Originally posted by mm
what happened to "teh PS2 killah?"
From where I sit MS just wanted to try and rain on the PS2 PC killing parade. If Billy and his gang were serious about getting into console biz in a major way, they would\'ve had to crank out a machine that could smoke or match the best PC most gamers will likely have access to over the next 3 years or so and taken it even deeper in the shorts to secure the needed user base. Instead, they advertised they were gonna just do that and then threw together a box they thought could reel in the fishys.
Here\'s what I\'m seeing:
PS2 CPU+GS= 56 million transistors*
Xbox CPU+GPU= 73 million transistors*
Based on those raw numbers, isn\'t that like 1/3 more powerful? Kinda reflects what we\'re seeing now that PS2 has a few big kinks worked out. What the hell happened to Moores law? Am I way off here, or what? Anyone care to ‘splain?
Gotta run for today, try to check back in on this latter.
*I searched out the numbers a month or two ago and the above are from memory :nut: The specs were a bit outdated in a few areas so I can\'t vouch on the accuracy but I believe if anyone wants to go and check, the numbers I\'m using should be fairly close (it would be a real good idea before any punches get thrown, thanks)