CS2x, if you haven\'t found at least 10 games on the PS2 that make owning it worth while, then just don\'t buy one cause I doubt any of the upcomming games will suit your tastes. Maybe your standards are just a bit too high and tastes too different? I mean, you should know as well as anybody who\'s been following the industry that Sony has never been known to be home to the "Cream of the Crop", but instead litters itself with a ton of average to good games, a slew of crap, and the ocassional true gem like MGS, ICO, and GTA3.
Personally, I like variety in gaming style. Hence, my two top choices for this generation being Dreamcast and Playstation2. One has unique and completely odd titles you can\'t find anywhere else like Jet Grind Radio, Seaman, Shenmue, and such. (When I bought it, I knew the Sega was going 3rd party, but didn\'t realize just how many of their already existing games would be enhanced and/or ported).. and the other has a library so large that no matter when I go to the software store, there\'s always at least 2 or 3 titles which catch my eye.
The NGC and Xbox both have excellent titles which I want to play, but since my bases are pretty much already covered I can wait for those consoles to gain respectable librarys and offer price drops. Heh, actually, I\'m still waiting for the PS2 price drop before I buy one.
Anyhow, the point of this whole speil is just that, if you can\'t find any games on the PS2 which pique your interest then just sell it and buy what you like. It\'s not a sin.. this is a hobby, and if you don\'t enjoy it then what good does being a gamer do? Just buy what you like.. I really don\'t see where all this conflict and hesitance is comming from in people.