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Author Topic: For Chrono (Sega related).  (Read 772 times)

Offline Living-In-Clip

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For Chrono (Sega related).
« on: April 22, 2002, 09:29:32 AM »

I distinctly recall you saying Sega was the king of bad business descisons because it didn\'t look as though they had support goin\' for the PS2, yet had plenty goin\' for the Xbox. However, if you look at it, they are infact supporting the PS2 just as much as the Xbox, if not more.

Why do I bring this up?

Simple...Shinobi! Sega is bringing back a classic franchise and putting it on the PS2. Sure, that is only one game, but if you add up all the Sega titles hitting the PS2 there is plenty of support all around..

  • Rez
  • GunGrave
  • VF4
  • Shinobi
  • Sega Sports (multi-platform)

The Xbox has..

  • Shenmue 2
  • Panzer Dragoon: Next
  • Gun Valkire
  • Jet Set Radio Future
  • Sega Sports

Sega does know what they are doing with these franchises. They are spreading them out. You jumped the gun when you called out saying Sega was not supporting the PS2 enough. They just have not released all their plans. I\'m also willing to bet come E3 even more PS2 support will be announced.

Also, if you count the Activision port of Craxy Taxi, you can add yet another Sega game to the PS2 roster. Along with CT2 which is bound to come out and Super Monkey Ball was also confirmed to being ported to the PS2. That would bring up the total of Sega games on the PS2 to eleven if I counted currently (please, correct me if I\'m wrong.) .

Bad business? Nope. They are taking notes from Capcom apparently. Spread each series out onto different consoles and if one doesn\'t sell too good on console (A) port it to another console within a year\'s time.

Any thoughts?

Offline mm
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For Chrono (Sega related).
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2002, 09:59:39 AM »
it would be a very bad business decision not to support the console leader with the highest user base.  thats why xbox developers are jumping ship and capcom will be releasing RE games on the PS2
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Offline Heretic
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For Chrono (Sega related).
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2002, 11:04:13 AM »
"not enough" is a relative term. I thought Sega announced early on 50% of their resources were going towards PS2, the rest split between GC & exbox. Anyway, plans can change.

Much of the early third party support for exbox was because  devs were simply not going to hand Sony the crown if there was a fighting chance for another contender. Or so I heard

Offline Blade
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For Chrono (Sega related).
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2002, 11:18:10 AM »
MM: You\'re right, Capcom is releasing RE games on the PS2.

Resident Evil: Gun Survivor 2, and Resident Evil Online.

They never promised either one of those to GameCube.. just the main series. RE0-4 + CV.
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Offline mm
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For Chrono (Sega related).
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2002, 11:22:28 AM »
thank you, blade

for re-iterating what i already said

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For Chrono (Sega related).
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2002, 06:45:19 PM »
Sega is the king of unfortunate timing, with a tinge of bad business sense to cap it off.

But with the recent sales of VF4 (both territories) and Let\'s Make a Pro Soccer Team (Japan), It looks like they are doing a great job of supporting consoles. They want competition in this generation, which is why they don\'t support the wide leader. They want people buying GC and XBox, also probably because they want to work on systems with more power or capabilities. One of the few companies left who choose not to limit themselves.

Sega is king of another thing, though: Great Games. No matter the system. VF4, GUNVALKYRIE, Monkey Ball, and Sonic Advance are great games for all systems.

Eric Jacob
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