Hmm... well, I don\'t know what I can add except the obvious. Why do I like the PS2 more than the X-Box..?
Well, I can sum that up with the title\'s of these great games:
Devil May Cry
Silent Hill 2
...and any other incredible game I forgot to mention. These games may be a year or two old, but you know what? That DOES matter! I still remember how hard I laughed at that GT3/MGS2 statement. It\'s because we can brag about these games that you mock them.
And PS2 has reached it\'s peak graphically? Oh, brother...:rolleyes: What would Jesus say in this situation?
"I\'m not gonna touch this one with a ten foot pole.". Seriously, the PS2 is ownly just beginning to show it\'s true potential. The future is only gonna get better...and better...and better! What are you X-Box fans looking forward to? MGS2X, right? Oh wait, I forgot, that game doesn\'t matter.
Kingdom Hearts, Wild Arms 3, Devil May Cry 2, Onimusha 2, and Xenosaga are at the top of many PS2 owner\'s list. Which brings me to another point. RPG\'s. Does the X-Box even have any? This is the #1 reason I won\'t ever be buying an X-Box. I got hooked on the PS1 because of it\'s incredible RPG\'s, which is why I upgraded to a PS2.
Well there, I\'ve made my point. On a more positive note, I\'m really quite impressed on how well you\'re handling your first thread here. I hope you stick around for awhile longer, pal.