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Author Topic: Why Xbox Is Best  (Read 2237 times)

Offline shockwaves
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Why Xbox Is Best
« Reply #15 on: April 28, 2002, 03:37:11 PM »
Seriously, come on.  You think X-Box has a chance?  Clearly not, unless they make serious changes. :rolleyes:

In case you haven\'t noticed, Gamecube is where it\'s at :D

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Why Xbox Is Best
« Reply #16 on: April 28, 2002, 03:47:01 PM »
Originally posted by mm
ok, i wasnt gonna get involved but i have one question

do you SERIOUSLY think the xbox has any chance on earth of catching  PS2 in sales?  or will it merely surpass  the xbox-haters expectations cause they thought it would flop?

please think VERY carefully how you answer as it will affect yer credibility here.

we support and promote a multi-console mentality here
as mush as we may jerk each other around, we mostly do it to boost our post counts and to keep things interesting

occasionaly, a member takes things too seriously and decides to leave, [altered beast]

what i dont tolerate personally are trolls and ignorance

what seperates yer post from others ive locked is this phrase

why i think it is the best

thats the key to acceptance.  its yer opinion and stick by it.  i certainly dont agree with it, but hey, this is what makes the world go around [and post counts go up]

i own all three consoles and certainly prefer my PS2 cause the others have one A+ title [halo and rogue squadron II] and then TONS of ports and lots of creampufs

His post had nothing to do with the sales of any console. All he was stating is why he thinks xbox is best. I  don\'t know why you  bringing up sales.
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Why Xbox Is Best
« Reply #17 on: April 28, 2002, 03:51:19 PM »
the best console will sell the best, no?

unless yer saying he\'s a graphics tart.

this thread is about questioning his opinion, not mine, thank you

and why are you so angry all the time?
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Why Xbox Is Best
« Reply #18 on: April 28, 2002, 03:54:02 PM »
Originally posted by mm
the best console will sell the best, no?


Far from true.  Oh and how would you explain Dreamcast dying out then???

Offline QuDDus
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Why Xbox Is Best
« Reply #19 on: April 28, 2002, 04:04:50 PM »
Originally posted by mm
the best console will sell the best, no?

unless yer saying he\'s a graphics tart.

this thread is about questioning his opinion, not mine, thank you

and why are you so angry all the time?

I\'m very happy see:laughing: :bounce: :p

And just because a console is selling that does not mean it is the best. Clearly performance wise xbox is best the console to buy.

And before gamecube and xbox launched ps2 already had a huge commanding lead over both consoles. Not only that huge games came out on ps2 at the perfect time to expand it\'s lead.

Gamecube and Xbox have just began to get started. Ps2 has already won, but it\'s too early to say it was the best xbox and gamecube have yet to truely shine. As of known ps2 has been awesome but it\'s been out longer.

I say they all are great.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2002, 04:07:40 PM by QuDDus »
\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
\"dont trust anything that bleeds for a week and dont die\" - A pimp
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Why Xbox Is Best
« Reply #20 on: April 28, 2002, 04:07:02 PM »
Originally posted by hotshot657
PS2 has reached its maximum with graphics.

Are you sure about that?  

PS2 gamers keep on bragging about these half a year old games like GTA3 and MGS2.  They won\'t matter soon.

Oh, so great games become void after a certain amount of time?  Alright, next time someone asks me about such PS2 classics, I\'ll be sure not to mention GTA3 or MGS2.  They don\'t matter.

I think it will be hard for PS2 to get many ppl online because of the costs.

And it won\'t be any easier to get many people into Xbox online gaming because it doesn\'t support narrowband connections.  

That\'s about as far as I\'ll go with this one...

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Why Xbox Is Best
« Reply #21 on: April 28, 2002, 04:24:10 PM »
Hmm... well, I don\'t know what I can add except the obvious. Why do I like the PS2 more than the X-Box..?

Well, I can sum that up with the title\'s of these great games:
Devil May Cry
Silent Hill 2

...and any other incredible game I forgot to mention. These games may be a year or two old, but you know what? That DOES matter! I still remember how hard I laughed at that GT3/MGS2 statement. It\'s because we can brag about these games that you mock them.

And PS2 has reached it\'s peak graphically? Oh, brother...:rolleyes:  What would Jesus say in this situation?
"I\'m not gonna touch this one with a ten foot pole.". Seriously, the PS2 is ownly just beginning to show it\'s true potential. The future is only gonna get better...and better...and better! What are you X-Box fans looking forward to? MGS2X, right? Oh wait, I forgot, that game doesn\'t matter.

Kingdom Hearts, Wild Arms 3, Devil May Cry 2, Onimusha 2, and Xenosaga are at the top of many PS2 owner\'s list. Which brings me to another point. RPG\'s. Does the X-Box even have any? This is the #1 reason I won\'t ever be buying an X-Box. I got hooked on the PS1 because of it\'s incredible RPG\'s, which is why I upgraded to a PS2.

Well there, I\'ve made my point. On a more positive note, I\'m really quite impressed on how well you\'re handling your first thread here. I hope you stick around for awhile longer, pal.
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Why Xbox Is Best
« Reply #22 on: April 28, 2002, 04:51:11 PM »
Originally posted by Tom G
Hmm... well, I don\'t know what I can add except the obvious. Why do I like the PS2 more than the X-Box..?

Well, I can sum that up with the title\'s of these great games:
Devil May Cry
Silent Hill 2

...and any other incredible game I forgot to mention. These games may be a year or two old, but you know what? That DOES matter! I still remember how hard I laughed at that GT3/MGS2 statement. It\'s because we can brag about these games that you mock them.

And PS2 has reached it\'s peak graphically? Oh, brother...:rolleyes:  What would Jesus say in this situation?
"I\'m not gonna touch this one with a ten foot pole.". Seriously, the PS2 is ownly just beginning to show it\'s true potential. The future is only gonna get better...and better...and better! What are you X-Box fans looking forward to? MGS2X, right? Oh wait, I forgot, that game doesn\'t matter.

Kingdom Hearts, Wild Arms 3, Devil May Cry 2, Onimusha 2, and Xenosaga are at the top of many PS2 owner\'s list. Which brings me to another point. RPG\'s. Does the X-Box even have any? This is the #1 reason I won\'t ever be buying an X-Box. I got hooked on the PS1 because of it\'s incredible RPG\'s, which is why I upgraded to a PS2.

Well there, I\'ve made my point. On a more positive note, I\'m really quite impressed on how well you\'re handling your first thread here. I hope you stick around for awhile longer, pal.

I don\'t consider none the console to be the greatest yet. But in xbox defense I will say besides FF,GT3, AND DMC(Not as of yet) are the only titles you name that have yet to appear on xbox or are headed to xbox.

And as for whats in the future of xbox. Project ego, Xavier fox, Malice, sega gt, shenmue, panzer dragon, dino crisis 3, and UC just to name a few.

Nobody has to sit around and wait on mgsx, or gta3(which they should have already at least played).

I mean there is good games coming out on both consoles. For you and hots to strickly limit yourselves to your xbox or ps2 is crazy and limits everything both of you have to say when it comes to gaming.
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Why Xbox Is Best
« Reply #23 on: April 28, 2002, 04:53:50 PM »
It\'s not as crazy as you think. I don\'t have any intrest in ANY of the X-Box\'s current or future releases. So why would I buy one?
I am thinking about a Gamecube, though, just because of RE.
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Offline QuDDus
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Why Xbox Is Best
« Reply #24 on: April 28, 2002, 04:59:07 PM »
Originally posted by Tom G
It\'s not as crazy as you think. I don\'t have any intrest in ANY of the X-Box\'s current or future releases. So why would I buy one?
I am thinking about a Gamecube, though, just because of RE.

You know little about any of the software on the console, or any of the software that is headed to the console.

But some how you say your not interesed. Hmm how can someone be interested in something they no nothing about?

\"confucious say - he who sleeps with itchy ass wakes up with smelly fingers\".
\"dont trust anything that bleeds for a week and dont die\" - A pimp
\"FF7 was the greatest game ever made!!!\" -MM

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Why Xbox Is Best
« Reply #25 on: April 28, 2002, 05:02:45 PM »
Easy, I\'ll show ya, old timer.

My cat\'s name is blue.......

You know nothing of my cat. You just know it\'s name. Are you intrested in my cat? Hell no!!!

See my point? Alrighty, then. Thus ends my stupid post.:D
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Why Xbox Is Best
« Reply #26 on: April 28, 2002, 05:34:47 PM »
People buy consoles based on how good they are...

30 million people didn\'t just happen to stumble upon PS2, They CHOSE it...
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Why Xbox Is Best
« Reply #27 on: April 28, 2002, 05:49:41 PM »
Originally posted by Tom G
Easy, I\'ll show ya, old timer.

My cat\'s name is blue.......

You know nothing of my cat. You just know it\'s name. Are you intrested in my cat? Hell no!!!

See my point? Alrighty, then. Thus ends my stupid post.:D

No you\'re not PS2_girl.
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Why Xbox Is Best
« Reply #28 on: April 28, 2002, 05:50:43 PM »
Ya know, I have this feeling that this board is really, really messed up. Hotshot657\'s post does seem like it could\'ve been made from a template (at least to me), but it doesn\'t warrant even half the attacks it got. Hell, as far as I can tell, the first five attackers didn\'t even read Hotshot657\'s post! This place looks like IGN without the personal attacks.
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Why Xbox Is Best
« Reply #29 on: April 28, 2002, 06:11:09 PM »
Originally posted by nonamer
Ya know, I have this feeling that this board is really, really messed up. Hotshot657\'s post does seem like it could\'ve been made from a template (at least to me), but it doesn\'t warrant even half the attacks it got. Hell, as far as I can tell, the first five attackers didn\'t even read Hotshot657\'s post! This place looks like IGN without the personal attacks.

Good you\'ve completed step 1 in identifying the "major fault" in this board!

Step 2 is leaving.


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