I hope your being sarcastic, cause you really have no idea what your talking about
Toy Story\'s graphics were ray-traced, something that takes huge graphic power. And Toy Story was rendered at 1280x1024x32 w/ FSAA at a consistant 60fps.
To the best of my knowledge regarding the subject (I did actually take a 3 day course at Universal Studios Orlando regarding 3d rendering)
Toy Story was rendered using multiple computers, AKA a Renderfarm (only I would venture to say that pixar owned all the computers),
Each comptuers renders each frame of the movie indidually one at a time, I doubt it was .5fps let alone 60fps. (edit: the frames are then sent to a central computer which compiles the movie into a AVI or whatever format they use, its not recorded in realtime)
Also, justifiying the time the movie was created, it was probably all caculated using the processor only, no graphics acceleration for rendering (i\'m not sure its accelerated even today)