Originally posted by Rick
I still can\'t see why its doing so badly though. After the recent price drop here in the UK, I think sales will pick up more (maybe), I mean, it convinced me to buy one...... sort of....... I think the beer convinced me more tho
I think the main reason it\'s doing so poorly is because people are unsure of its future. With the price drop only a month after it\'s launch, I\'m sure people\'s trust in the system lowered even more. Microsoft has dug themselves into a hole by releasing the console in Europe for too much money, and they might already be too deep to get back out again.
Microsoft was planning on doing well in Europe even with selling it at the really high price. When they realized that that wasn\'t going to work and decided to drop the price, they wanted Nvidia to drop their prices also to help recover from the lost profits. Of course Nvidia doesn\'t want to drop their price though, and unless it was in their contract that Nvidia had to drop their price, I don\'t think Microsoft can do anything about it except for sit around and cry.
If Nvidia wins -- - M$ loses money
- M$ continues to take them to court until they get what they want. ;)
- Bill Gates kills himself after realizing he can\'t push people around in the video game industry like he could in the computer industry, and after realizing he has an ugly 500 dollar haircut.
If Nvidia loses --- Nvidia loses money and gets POed at Microsoft. It will only go downhill from there.
Like MM said, either way the friendship between these two companies will probably be broken, and any future relations are not very likely.