Seven, I understand what you mean. I, though, know for a fact that they are in-game. Reporters would not cry real tears upon seeing the game if it only had great-looking cut-scenes. If that were true, then the weeping heard across the country from players of Squares\' FFVII, FFVIII, FFIX, and FFX would be so loud it would drown out everything, including jetliners.
Anyhow, we\'re finally starting to see proof of Xbox\'s vastly superior graphics horsepower. PD Orta is just the tip of the iceberg, and, considering the fact that people that have seen it in motion say it is almost indistinguishable from CG, that is a hell of a reason to be excited!
Blade, I think you\'ve got it mixed up. The original Panzer Dragoon\'s were doing the whole fly-around-huge-environments-and-blow-$@#!-up thing long before Star Fox was. If anything, Panzer Dragoon inspired and was imitated by the Star Fox/SFA team.