Originally posted by Chrono
IGN Just confirmed that the xbox version of madden will not be online.
To all the xbox fanboys on this forum who said that this was the best plan for developers, you were very very wrong.
and proof that its 100% MS\'s fault
In the press release
"We feel confident about the business model presented by SCEA and their choice of an open technology infrastructure for providers and consumers."
I still believe it is the best plan. You\'ll be singing a different tune when you\'re paying separate online fees for every onlinegame you own. EA isn\'t supporting Xbox Live for the same reason FFXI isn\'t coming to the Xbox. EASquare wants to charge a seperate fee while Microsoft wants a "one-price for all" strategy. I prefer paying one price for everything that I play online.
If EA is charging you to play Madden, what\'s stopping the smaller developers from doing the same thing? Imagine this scenario:
You own 10 online games for your PS2, 3 of those games charge a $10 a month fee to play online. That\'s $30 a month you have to get off of on top of your ISP fee. $30 a month is your cut-off point, anything over that is a no no. But what if a totally killer online game comes out for the PS2 that you just have to get? But it charges $10 a month...you\'re going to have to dump one of your games just to play that one.
With Xbox Live I pay a flat fee (whatever it is) to play as many games as I want. I like paying one fee for everything, I don\'t want 10 different bills coming to my mailbox from 10 different developers...forget that. I\'ll sacrafice a shoddy PS2 port for two more online Xbox games.
Also, maybe if some of you would take time to take off the fanboy glasses you would see that EA has little competition on the PS2. On the Xbox, EA has to compete with two strong franchises, Microsoft\'s NFL Fever 2003 and NFL 2K3, both of which will be online. I haven\'t played a Madden game since Madden \'98 on the Sega Saturn and NBA Live sucks, so I could give two ****s about their decision.
Xbox Live: Great for gamers
PS2 Online: Great for developers
That\'s what it all boils down to.