I dunno about you, but I think MS making Xbox Live a broadband only closed network is going to completely screw them over. For being their first console, they need as much leverage as they can get.
They need to allow Xbox owners to play against PS2 and GC owners in cross-platform online games if the developers of the game program it in. They need to allow 56k owners to access the network. Despite them claiming that over 50% of Xbox owners have broadband, I have a hard time believing them... although they don\'t have that many systems out there, so it could be true. If they had as many systems out there as Sony the number might be more like 10%. Assuming the number MS said at E3 is true, do they really think that preventing 50% of your userbase from accessing their network is a good idea?
Nintendo and Sony probably have the best idea for the online plans IMO, allowing everyone to access the network if they choose to. Except for Sony\'s SOCOM, it\'s going broadband only, which is stupid... hopefully they will change it, but at least they have the option to. MS can\'t do that with anything. It\'s broadband or nothing with Xbox Live.
I just don\'t see Xbox Live doing very well at all. I\'m sure it will have some great games for it, but I really think MS shot themselves in the foot with the choices they made.