When you play the game, it\'s one kill per round so when you die, you\'re done for until the round restarts so it\'s not an endless frag fest like quake. Also, the game has a point specific damage model. Headshots will get you instant kills, but unlike those cheats in counter-strike and the like, it\'ll be difficult to cheat in this game, online that is. I\'m sure people will find quirks, but it will be nothing as severe as instant headshots, or seeing through walls which is a MAJOR plus in my book.
The headset technology for socom will elliminate the need for a keyboard. Headsets and microphones in counter-strike GREATLY improve the experience allowing you to send instant updates rather then stoping you from playing to type a message. As long as the game is played with people who are mature about its usage, it will be great. How clans will get together to play is somewhat of a mystery to me. Perhaps your BB connection for your ps2 in conjunction with chat rooms on your PC will allow you to set all that up. I couldn\'t imagine chatting together to play the game, that\'d be horrid. People are bad enough as it is in chat rooms with text.
Have you played Rogue Spear for PC? Is it similar? Do you get to pick different weapons/teams before each game? How does each game last?
It\'s actually a lot more like Counter-Strike. Rogue Spear and other Tom Clancy games are hell bent on realism. One shot to anywhere and you\'re pretty much over. Socom leaves a little bit open in that regard. You do get to pick and choose the weapons you carry, like I saw a desert eagle, the m4, a saw m249, an ak-47 and several other weapons. There were also secondary weapons and grenades as well. When you run in Socom, the first few shots are stable, but if you hold down the fire button, you\'ll just spray everywhere. The weapons are authenticate, the M4 has a grenade launcher I believe, so it\'s a bit more liberal in the amount of damage taken kind of like how Soldier of Fortune II is. It\'s not all that violent, your limbs dont blow off, but there is a fair amount of blood when you do get shot. A funny quirk was when you shot your teammates, no damage was incured, but there was blood anyways. That definitely needs to be fixed. Bodies do remain on the ground once you kill someone, and their real models that you actually step on if you walk over them, not through them.
As far as I can tell, TPS is the only perspective you can play, but that\'s fine because the game feels better with the DS2 in that view. If it was a FPS, I\'m sure we\'d get lots of KB\\M complaints. This evens the playing field. So like as the KB\\M option remains absent from the game, the playing field will always be even where skill and wit alone determine who is great and who sucks. Even playing fields are great in games.