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Author Topic: To buy or not to buy  (Read 1291 times)

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To buy or not to buy
« on: May 28, 2002, 12:29:55 PM »
This may be opening to huge can of worms, but I signed up for this forum JUST to ask this question.  We currently have a ps1 (yes, I know - HOW ARCHAIC!!!) and I am interested in upgrading to a ps2.  I don\'t know, however, if it\'s worth it to do so.  I know the prices have dropped $100, so it\'s a good time, but is it even worth $199?  Any and all input is appreciated!  Thanks!

Offline nataku
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To buy or not to buy
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2002, 12:33:11 PM »
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Bart: \"You mean like Microsoft?\"

Offline FatalXception
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« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2002, 12:41:05 PM »
This is a decision every gamer must make themselves.

Which console has the titles which interest you the most?

Metal Gear 2 SOL, FFX, GT3, GTA3 (PS2)
HALO, gotham, spiderman (XB)
Pikmin, smash bros, zelda, metroid (GC)

Do you have broad band?  Dial Up?  No internet? (XB/PS2, PS2, --)

PS2 $200 - (whatever you sell your ps1 for)
XB $200
GC $150

HDD (XB, PS2 opt), Inet thru dialup/BB (PS2 opt, XB BB only), 4 ports (XB, GC), Digital out (PS2, XB opt), DVD player (PS2, XB opt), small size (GC), huge size :D (XB).

I personally went with a PS2, and when I have more money, after I finish paying of my debts from summer and a new comp, I\'ll prolly get a GC, and eventually an XB.

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« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2002, 12:41:43 PM »
lol, yer gonna get the majority of people saying yes on a PS2 forum

anyways, not only is the console $199, but there\'s over 6 titles on the greatest hits line for $19.99 like Gran Turismo 3 and Dark Cloud

plus mem cards and second controllers are cheaper now too
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« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2002, 01:24:31 PM »
Well, I knew I would mainly get ps2 responses on a ps2 forum, lol!  :nut: I\'m biased though.  Okay, I\'ll confess - I\'m really wanting the ps2 and I\'m just trying to stockpile a lot of positive feedback so my spouse will agree.  So far, even on seemingly objective sites, the ps2 seems to be the stronger gaming system out there.

Games I\'m interested in - at the moment - are spiderman and I am anxiously awaiting the release of The Sims in this new format.  I\'m a pc Sims player, and the thought of a new platform for an awesome game is something I can\'t wait for.  There are other games I\'m interested in, but I don\'t have enough knowledge under my belt to list them.

As for DVD player attributes - for the typical person and movie viewer, is there any substantial difference in quality?  This is one of my arguments for getting the ps2.

Thanks again for the feedback.

Offline FatalXception
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« Reply #5 on: May 28, 2002, 01:28:31 PM »

- Has digital audio out, or analog (depending on your amp/tv setup)
- Video quality is good.
- Some DVDs with complicated menus and stuff don\'t work perfectly, but mostly watchable, with maybe a .5 second skip every 20 min or something, often a skip at the layerchange (not so with good commercial DVD players, but those cost $400 anyways)
- No VCD (not only piracy mm, I have a ton of old movies on VCD, home movies, even though now I put em in DivX), SVCD, or CDI, or CD+ playback (often supported on commercial players).
- Remote costs extra, but comes with new drivers, which slightly improve quality.  More drivers coming.

Murphy\'s Law - What can go wrong, will.
Poker Law      - Magnum .44 beats four aces.
Cole\'s Law      - Thinly sliced cabbage.

Offline Chrono
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« Reply #6 on: May 28, 2002, 02:05:55 PM »
If you want to use it with a DVD, check out this deal

Or, you if not you can buy the ps2 for 184.99 at buy.com with this link
Click Here

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« Reply #7 on: May 29, 2002, 07:22:28 AM »
yeh id get it if i was you, its backwards compatiable, so you can play ps1 games on it, it also has a thing in it that can make old ps1 games look slightly better, and load faster.

i have no probs with the dvd on my ps2, but as somone said, when it changes layers the pic freezes for a sec, but its hardly noticable
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« Reply #8 on: May 29, 2002, 02:01:48 PM »
Yeah. BUY ONE.

Theyre only $200. There are some great games for only 20. Red Faction, Gran Turismo 3, Onimusha, and Twisted metal black. There are more too. It also doubles as a DVD player.

O yeah.... :smokin:

GTA3. Possibly my favorite game.
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To buy or not to buy
« Reply #9 on: May 30, 2002, 12:32:43 AM »
Get the PS2!!
You Know What Time It Is.......

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« Reply #10 on: May 31, 2002, 04:14:15 PM »
He asked about the PS2, not the XBox.  Your post has been edited as such because it is nothing but flamebait. -Ryu
« Last Edit: May 31, 2002, 04:41:23 PM by Ryu »
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To buy or not to buy
« Reply #11 on: May 31, 2002, 04:43:54 PM »
For any casual gamer, you\'re going to want the most options games wise and the PS2 offers just that.  The number of top teir titles is huge, but what to recommend depends on your personal tastes.  How about you answer us this question, what games do you own for the PSOne?  We can make better recommendations for you based on that.

As for the DVD capabilities, for a casual person, they can\'t tell the difference between the PS2 DVD player and a normal DVD player.  It suits your needs just fine.  Just read the manual for all the ins and outs if you do decide to buy one.
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« Reply #12 on: May 31, 2002, 04:44:18 PM »
420blunt is a moron.  Take nothing he says seriously.

I\'m not going to try to change your mind because it\'s already made up--get the PS2, it\'s a step above the PS1.
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« Reply #13 on: May 31, 2002, 05:45:08 PM »
Ryu, you asked what games we have for the ps1.  Well, that will be a big disappointment for you because mainly what we have is for our younger children.  I enjoy playing it, but don\'t have much for it because they tend to dominate it, which is another part of the reason I want MY OWN! :D

But, the games I have that I play is Madden 2002, Nascar Thunder 2002, Syphon Filter 2.  I\'m also a closet Harry Potter player...what can I say?  The flying class is a challenge, and I\'m up for a challenge!  :o

The games I\'m stoked about on ps2 are, as I said in another post, The Sims as well as Spiderman,  Jak and Daxter and some Simpsons games.  I\'d like to look at the James Bond games as well - heard they\'re awesome.

I\'m not much into the traditional and popular role playing games.  I don\'t have the patience.  I like the more strategic games and racing games.

Thanks for all the feedback.  I really appreciate it.  I\'m hopefully just days away from the purchase.

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« Reply #14 on: June 01, 2002, 07:56:23 AM »


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