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Author Topic: IGN.com Hands-On Enclave:  (Read 1819 times)

Offline QuDDus
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IGN.com Hands-On Enclave:
« Reply #30 on: June 06, 2002, 08:20:52 AM »
Originally posted by mm
then yer wrong

i never said every xbox game is crap
i loved oddworld, i bought my xbox for that game

hunter is an xbox game so i WILL COMPARE IT TO FRICKIN XBOX GAMES!  whats so hard to grasp here?

again, hunter was supposed to be this great xbox exclusive, but in the end, its another Gunvalkrye

it wouldnt be fair for me to compare it to PS2 or GC games, right?
thats why i dont do it

PS2 games follow a different format
i didnt compare DC titles to PS2 titles 6 months after PS2 launched did i?  oh, you wouldnt know.  god forbid you were around for my anti-nintendo days.  ask Eik about that.

you sense the pattern yet, watch?

Yeah MM comes and goes. He changes systems like the wheather seasons. I thought he would never get off Nintendo:D I guarantee they will be back in dog house again.
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\"FF7 was the greatest game ever made!!!\" -MM

Offline Watchdog
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« Reply #31 on: June 06, 2002, 08:50:48 AM »
Why wouldn\'t it be fair?  A game is a game.  You are paying the same price for them.  Sony has no trouble denying that they are in a war with the xbox, neither does MS with the PS2.

But even looking at your logic, there are hundreds of PS2 games that look like crap, play like crap and are complete crap when comapred to other PS2 games, yet they don\'t see mention on these forums.  Why is that?  Why do "bad" PS2 games excape your scrutiny?  Why don\'t you announce your loathing of bad PS2 exclusives?

So, considering the above, yes I do see a pattern.
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IGN.com Hands-On Enclave:
« Reply #32 on: June 06, 2002, 09:28:00 AM »
MM: Wait a second.. your anti-Nintendo days are over? I didn\'t notice.. ;)
What is up, buttercup? Down is the new up.

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« Reply #33 on: June 06, 2002, 09:41:27 AM »
watch, yer not making sense to me

why shouls i bring up bad PS2 games?  let alone ANY PS2 games.

do i have to draw you a picture so youll understand?

i dont compare xbox games to PS2 games.

and so should you

yes blade, i\'ve decided to not harp on nintendo for a bit
i\'ll wait till after celda and mario shortcake come out this xmas, and resume
\"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.\" - Clemenza

Offline Watchdog
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« Reply #34 on: June 06, 2002, 12:28:35 PM »
You should bring up bad PS2 games for the same reason you bring up bad xbox games.  I dont\' know why you do it either, but you do, all the time.

You say you don\'t compare PS2 games to xbox ones.  Okay, I\'ll buy that.  But within PS2 games, there are terrible titles, but those don\'t get mention from you.

There is a graphical bottom line for xbox games for you.  I presume there is a graphical bottom line for PS2 games as well.

When an xbox games falls below that line you let everyone here know about it.

However, when a PS2 game falls below that graphical bottom line, you don\'t mention it.

I wonder why.
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Offline mm
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« Reply #35 on: June 06, 2002, 05:01:27 PM »
sigh watchdog

the real shame of this entire situation is that you dont even realize im on yer side

i dont know whether to laugh or feel pity
\"Leave the gun. Take the cannoli.\" - Clemenza


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