Gunvalkrie is great. The people who bash it, never bothered to get good at it. Why does every game have to pander to the masses and be incredibly easy and derrivative? Remember Contra? No continues, 3 lives. Long, tough game. We didn\'t complain, we adapted, learned to beat those impossible situations and eventually beat it. And, boy what a feeling!
Back then games were modeled after arcade titles--geared towards sucking quarters out of patron\'s pockets. Now games are made for the home market, for little children and casual fans. That\'s why GV is scoffed at--because it\'s tough. If GV was made in the 80s, there would be no save points, possibly continues. That\'s it. People were used to tough games back then: R-type, Black Tiger, Bionic Commando, etc. Now, games that are tough are given 6s and dismissed.
At first you will be convinced the controls are tougher than they have to be. But once you adjust and fly through the air in true Gunvalkrie style, you can\'t help but get a rush. It\'s great fun. Sadly, most won\'t bother to give it a chance. They\'d rather play Genma Onimusha, beat it in 5 hours 47 minutes and call it great. :rolleyes:
To each his own I suppose.
I also really like Amped and PGR--two more tough games, that get dismissed for similar reasons. Amped, uses a different control scheme from Tony We\'ll-hold-your-hand-for-the-whole-****ing-game Hawk and it\'s damn hard towards the end. Reviewers didn\'t like it either.
People wished PGR was GT3, and reviewers couldn\'t help but compare it to it. It\'s no GT3, they say, we\'ll give it a 7. No shit it\'s not GT3 nor is it trying to be.
I\'ll stop ranting, there\'s plenty of kindling here for a fanboy\'s fire.