Sony isn\'t monopolizing. Sony\'s business is home entertainment and electronics (same as home entertainment).
Home entertainment eh? Computers fall into that category.
Oh, and electronics is a pretty big category.
MS buys out their competition and are entering in every market.
Exactly what competition did MS buy out? There main source of profit is from OS software. The only other company that makes OS software is Macintosh and yes MS did buy them out(I think?) but they were always ridiculously far beyind MS anyways. Besides, now people we\'ll be introduced to the technologically superior macs anyways with MS\'s money.
MS entered the computer market, the gaming market, I missing one here? Sony has entered more. CD players, Stereos, TVs, videogames, radios, and a lot more that I can\'t think of at the moment.
The problem with MS\'s monopoly\'s image is that that have absolutely no competition. Mac was competition but they manufactured whole computers while MS just does software... They have no competition to buy out! If Sony could buy out their competition then they would without hesitatiom but their competition is almost infinitely stronger\'s than MS\'s.
**** Sony pays developers not to develop for the competition. Do you like that strategy? I do, but it\'s not exactly "heart-warming".
What\'s next, the food business?
That wasn\'t needed.
They make computers, computer components and then see that Sony and Nintendo are doing well in consoles so they enter too?
They don\'t make computers for the record. Anyways, Sony has entered more markets than MS has including consoles. Is that a bad thing? Of course not. But you seem to hate MS for stuff that Sony does aswell.
They are basically copying what competition is doing. I hate MS because of monopolizing and copying.
Sony copies too. Go to an electronics store and look at the products. Chances are Sony didn\'t come up with every one of those first so they entered it later.
MS has the OS market monopolized. Anything else? Sony doesn\'t have any markets monopolized but if they could then they would no doubt. It\'s just smart business to get rid of the competition.