Cool, it\'s back.
Alright, I just borrowed my friends\' cube and rented Mario Sunshine. I swear, I am so weak towards advertising...FFX\'s commericals had me invest 400$ into PS2, NiGHTS had me invest over 300$ for Saturn...well, I wanted to test Mario Sunshine before I spent anymore money because I thought Mario 64 was horrible. THe objectives were boring, Mario lacked anything special other than run and jump, and I thought the controls felt "heavy".
Well, I\'ll be picking up Mario Sunshine when I purchase my cube in the not so distant future. I was immediately hooked...the game sets you in a small fight right from the get go, and everything afterwards is an event worth playing. My favorite objectives so far have been Manta Storm, everything in Noki Bay, Gelatto (sp?) Beach, and the theme park island...I think it\'s Pinna Park.
I think what I like about it so much is that it\'s not typical Mario, I like change and innovation. SMS pulls both off, IMO.
The controls were significantly improved as I think Mario feels more responsive...but it doesn\'t help in some cases when you constantly have to mess with the camera<----the only downfall I\'ve come across in the game. Well, that and I found myself a little bored with visiting the same world 8 times.
In all I say, Thank You Nintendo.