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Author Topic: anyone bored by online play yet?  (Read 1867 times)

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anyone bored by online play yet?
« on: September 10, 2002, 08:39:00 AM »
i havent played enough to formulate an opinion yet, but was wondering if anyone was sick of the lameness of 99% of other players out there

people we PC users have put up with for years
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anyone bored by online play yet?
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2002, 08:43:38 AM »
I am waiting for my adapter to come in, which I hope is this week.

I never really played any games online. What\'s wrong with the other players? Dropping out of games or they just suck at the games they play?


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Offline Living-In-Clip

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anyone bored by online play yet?
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2002, 09:16:08 AM »
Online play = gimmick. I\'m sorry, but until everyone has broadband and developers are optimizing their netcode, not to mention a solid way is made to get rid of cheating, than online gaming is nothing more than a gimmick for console gamers, in my opinion. I\'ve looked around on GameFaq\'s and a couple other boards and apparently people are already cheating durin\' bouts of Socom. I imagine Madden is the next game to recieve the \'cheaters treatment\'.

There is so many problems with online gaming, I just don\'t see it being fun for the most part. Of course there is the exception. The rare bout of skill with someone across the world. The fun in everyone you know from a forum meeting online and killin\' each other durin\' a good FPS. The problem is, at this point the cons out weigh the pros.

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anyone bored by online play yet?
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2002, 09:55:52 AM »
i only enjoyed playing people from this forum

i refuse to play any other games with people outside this forum for PS2 games ever again
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Offline Living-In-Clip

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anyone bored by online play yet?
« Reply #4 on: September 10, 2002, 10:29:13 AM »
That is the time when I can see online gaming being fun and makes me wish I had broadband. It would be great if we all had broadband and could arrange a Socom get together or something along those lines. Any other time, I just don\'t see online gaming as fun or viable.

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anyone bored by online play yet?
« Reply #5 on: September 10, 2002, 10:52:29 AM »
I play a lot of Counter-Strike, so I have to put up with a lot of crap.  I\'d say that once in every 10 games I enter, will I have a really good experience.  In other words, the other players know what they\'re doing, don\'t waste time, back each other up, take risks, don\'t cheat, don\'t whine and complain, etc.  

The biggest problem is ALWAYS the kidlet n00bies looking for attention.  I can only imagine that problem is increased when the user base is console gamers.  I may be wrong, but I think that group is a bit younger than PC gamers in general.
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anyone bored by online play yet?
« Reply #6 on: September 10, 2002, 11:27:08 AM »
Online can be great, but only on the PC. :D It\'s going to be amusing watching online play for consoles crash and burn.

The biggest problem is ALWAYS the kidlet n00bies looking for attention.

WHAT? I don\'t know about you, but I love playing against trash-talking newbs. It\'s always fun to see them try to burn you with a crappy ass insult after you\'ve just killed one. The problem with CT is that there\'s always players who constantly trash talk to the extreme yet they back it up with some downright amazing play. That ruins the game. Newbs are just funny I find.

America\'s Army was the best online shooter ever until all the patches ruined it. Once every 20 games there was a trashtalker, and that\'s it(not even a good player, would leave after you killed him). Most of the players were pretty bad too. I usually had around 20 kills and 3 deaths when  they cleaned the scores. Now you can\'t even get into a game. But damn, there were so many amazing camping spots in that game where you would round up atleast 4 newbs a match. Then you had one on ones with a player who knew what he was doing. Great stuff.
« Last Edit: September 10, 2002, 11:29:13 AM by Jumpman »
Who is this anamoly we call Jumpman? How is he able to do what he does and still survive after years of torment? It seems he feeds on the hate, growing with an intense passion to put unassuming members in their place.

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anyone bored by online play yet?
« Reply #7 on: September 10, 2002, 12:56:28 PM »
I\'m not talking about the n00bs whining and b*tching and calling you a h4ck... I kinda like that actually.  

The problem is when they do stuff just to draw attention to themselves, like TKing their own team, or standing in doorways to block access, or flashbanging their own team, and so on and so on....  They know they can\'t play, so they just try to screw it up for everyone else.
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anyone bored by online play yet?
« Reply #8 on: September 10, 2002, 12:59:49 PM »
I was bored of it years ago, on my PC.  Nothing I\'ve seen so far or in the far future on the console end has convinced me that it will either be fun, or successful.
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anyone bored by online play yet?
« Reply #9 on: September 10, 2002, 01:20:42 PM »
Hey, I have been playing online PC games for years, often on dial up, and I have not really had any problems.  Things can be made effectively with slower modems, and not everyone out there is that bad.  At least not in the PC world.  With PS2 though, you\'ll probably get a lot more little kids thinking it\'s cool to use a gameshark for online play.

The games I have mainly played online though (Total Annihilation: Kingdoms, Diablo II, Return to Castle Wolfenstein) did not have such bad problems with immature game players and such.

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anyone bored by online play yet?
« Reply #10 on: September 10, 2002, 04:53:31 PM »
My experience seems to be about the same as Coredwellers. About 1 out of every 10 games is actually worth being there for. Most of the time you either have elitist assholes going around making fun of the n00bs.. or you have kids who whine and complain - generally TRYING to be annoying even when you try to give them a hand.

In competitive games, this gets pretty bad cause it\'s hard to keep a noob from getting shot up and pissed off cause all you can really do for them is give them tips and hope they listen & learn. In cooperative games like mmorpgs, you can actually back the noob up and take the bulk of the combat until they get situated. Unfortunately, cheaters and "chatters" have ruined this. These people come in two camps..

1. They only look out for their own enjoyment. Other players are nothing but NPC\'s to them, and will kill/steal without a second thought. They don\'t understand that it\'s a COMMUNITY you\'re joining.. they jus figure since they bought a 50 dollar game (or spent 2 days downloading it :rolleyes: ) that they can do whatever they want to increase their own enjoyment. These are also the same types of people who will DC durring a competetive game if they are loosing, because they can\'t seem to enjoy the struggle.. they only have fun if they dominate the opponent.

2. The "chatters" don\'t have any interest in playing the game. They will often to cheat to get the best weapons and armor.. inf invincibility items.. ect.. and simply breeze through the game without actually learning how to PLAY. They\'re jus more interested in chatting and goofing around. They think dying needlessly and often, while playing a critical role in the team, is funny. It truely is pathetic when you see a high lvl, buffed out character in PSO.. someone who should have 1000\'s of hours of time invested.. not even know the basics of how weapon Photon efficency or mag raising works. These guys are usually named after well known FF or DBZ characters and use the words "LOL, ROLF, and Fux0rz Joo!!" far more often than they should.. sometimes it comprises their entire vocabulary. = /

Still, online play is a very big factor for me. It\'s the main reason why my DC has satisfied me up until these past few months when many of their servers have permenantly gone offline.. and now that the PS2 is online, I\'m beginning to look into buying one of those asap.
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anyone bored by online play yet?
« Reply #11 on: September 10, 2002, 05:10:44 PM »
Well, in the three games I listed, I really haven\'t seen that much of those things.

Total Annihilation: Kingdoms was by far the best online experience I have ever had, or expect to ever have.  The game was very fun, but it was also not well known or widely played.  The online community there, because of this, really developed into a true community.  Instead of having thousands of people on at once, there would be maybe 50.  About 35 would be in games, and 15 or so would be in the main chat room that the online service provided.  The ladder system they had there was great, with people going up in ranks based on their record.  There was only one known way to cheat in the game, and if you did it, the other person would knwo if you were.  Since it was such a small community, and people got to really know eachother, this didn\'t happen really.  If someone did it, too many people would hear about it, and no one would trust them.  I feel I really got to know some people there, much the same way I would know someone on a message board like this one.  The game was also a real time strategy game, which meant you actually had to know what you were doing to play it well, and if you didn\'t, people would know.

Diablo II is my current online addiction.  The nature of the game, being a multiplayer RPG, really lends itself to a good online atmosphere.  People are cooperative, rather than competative.  The chatting, the way you have described it, is really minimal, and has never bothered me.  They do have problems with cheaters though, who duplicate valuable items from the game, throwing the balance of items way off, but the effects of those are minor really.

Those are the two best online experiences I\'ve really had with games.  RTCW was good, but not as good (then again, that might be because I didn\'t like the game as much as these others).  That too wasn\'t nearly as bad, in my experience, as what you have described.

Oh well, maybe I\'ve just been lucky.

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anyone bored by online play yet?
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2002, 05:54:30 PM »
Speakin\' of online gaming, did anyone else read about Blizzard bannin\' 20,000 WarCraft 3 accounts for a "map hack"? Kudos to them!

On that note: How should companies handle cheaters?

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anyone bored by online play yet?
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2002, 06:12:34 PM »
Well, Blizzard has had to deal with that extensively.  They haven\'t had all that much luck, although they have banned CD-Keys here and there for Diablo.  A new patch is being released, which will get rid of duped and hacked items, so that might help to fix the problem some what.  

Generally though, I\'d think they\'d really have to closely monitor games to catch cheaters.  If caught though, I think a cheater should be immediately banned, just to show that things like that are not acceptable.

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anyone bored by online play yet?
« Reply #14 on: September 10, 2002, 06:19:19 PM »
Here\'s the thing and this may be a stupid question. But, is it not the players right if they pay X amount of dollars for a game, to cheat if they want? Should a company be able to ban them? I certainly think so, but I\'m sure some people will say that the cheating is "all in fun" and in the end, that\'s what a game is about, personal "fun", even if the idea of "fun" varies from person to person.


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