If Halo 2 is 60fps than it truely is a gorgeous game.
If it\'s not, I\'ll be pissed off. I hate games that have all sorts of high res textures and a bazzillion plygons/sec when they COULD have improved the frickin\' framerate!
And as PS2 fans will tell you, it\'s not the ugly textures, aliasing and low-polygon count that counts, it\'s the framerate
Looks awesome.Truely great graphics.But I really wonder how smooth the game will be.Halo1 didnt have smooth framerates.Neither Yakuza.Every game I can currently remember on XBOX with many textures,many characters and big enviroments run at 30 fps and perhaps slightly under.Seeing this game\'s detail,shadows,polygons and the possible number of enemies on screen I am kind of not sure if the framerate will let the game to be playable enough
Dead or Alive 3 comes to mind
Even though it\'s a fighting game the environments are quite huge