Project Ego was always just a code name.. jus like how Shenmue was at one time Project Berkley and how the NGC was once called The Dolphin.
Anyhow.. at this point I think I\'ve read and seen enough of this game to be sure of two things.
1. It\'s going to be a VERY good game. Definately a must buy if you\'re into RPG/Adventures, and at least a rental for everyone else. This game will amaze alot of people.
2. It\'s still not going to live up to the hype. Just like the "Go anywhere, see anything, do anything" world of Shenmue was limited by all but the imaginations of the people waiting for it to be released.. so will this game. It\'s going to be on par or have greater freedom than Shenmue but it will in no way be a "Do what you want, when you want, how you want" game. It\'s got a fairly detailed predefined storyline which must be followed if you wish to advance.. which means several "trigger" events must be met to further advance the storyline. It\'ll be like Shenmue where you have one hand "The actual game" and on the other hand "Free time to do what minigames and side quests", which both co-exist simutaniously.
What I\'m interested in is the "personality" effects and how your character changes according to what actions you take. One question will really answer a lot of questions for me... will you character have voice acting or will he be mute - allowing you to put your own words in his mouth? If he\'s voice acted.. then that\'s going to be a helluva strain on the developers to create completely seperate dialouge for each of his/your different "personalities". Unless they\'re careful, you\'re going to end up with 4 or 5 distinct personalities which you can end up with depending on how you play. They\'ll have to put some real extra effort into the game to keep it\'s "gears" from showing. I.E. Having events that appear to the player as being a cause & effect situation.
How you respond to the situtations determines what you\'ll be in the next stage of his life. My guess is that they\'ll be about 2 or 3 real key events which will shape your future attitudes and alignment and a series of smaller minor events that have some sway. It\'ll be like in QFG where if you wish to become a paladin (it\'s a mindset, not just a class), you have to pass several key "moral tests" like deciding to weither or not to give Omar\'s money purse back or weither or not to kill your EOF opponent. No matter how many Honor points you get by being nice.. if you fail any of these "tests" you won\'t gain access to be a Paladin. If something like this happens in Project Ego/Fable.. it could really hurt the way it draws the player in by not making the world completely seamless they\'re saying it will be.