Wait a second here.Many of u people seem to refer to the PS2 as the disappointment it was and how crap it was supposed to be when it was newborn.
The console was judged badly by its first games and many people came to the conclusion it sucked and it would suck.Underestimated by criticism on its launch and first games.How many people said the PS2 was just an overhyped console that couldnt offer cgi quality graphics and graphics seen in the tech demo\'s?Graphics not much better than DC?Now some of u are doing it again in this thread.
Look at what we expected,what we got in launch and what we have now.What do the first games mean while now we have the games the console was promised to offer?
Originally posted by rastalant
Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.............mm ps2 promise hollywood movie graphics, the systems is so powerful it could lunch missle, ps2 could render and reproduce Star wars EP1 in real-time accoroding to some programmers, playing the playstation 2 is like being in the matrix, need i keep going? I could go all day. PS2 is awesome a great systems but also the most overhyped systems ever perhaps.
1.When u heard the words "hollywood movie graphics" u expected graphics 100% as good as real life?Huh?Or was it hollywood movie quality titles?
2.Lunch missile....has Sony said that officially?Also the rumor was about multible PS2 chipsets connected together.Not a PS2 being strong enough to do such a thing.
3.Reproduce?Nope.It was said that data from the CGI work done for the movie can be taken to the PS2.Not necessarily in the exact quality seen in the movie.Never said reproduce.I also have a magazine right here with me:
".....exciting news,especially with the follow-on news from a japanese magazine that Lucas not only wants to develop an episode II game for PS2, but that it could even be possible to use the original CG data from the film directly on the PS2".It does not say anywhere Sony said that thing.U said by ur self some programmers said.Also can u tell me which software houses the programers were from?Expectations were so high the media expressed them nearly as facts.
4.That one about Matrix.....or u ve made it up by yourself or someone else expected too much.Sony once again never said that.Or perhaps there was a confusion made with the GScube matrix demonstration.
Most hyped wasnt made directly from Sony but from the highly expectations expressed by media and consumers.
Also here is what the magazine sais "While Harisson was at pains to stress the next gen console was\'t a PC replacement, he did outline a potential upgrade curve for new peripherals that would expand the range of PS2"
"We are not saying that u will plug these devices in, but that u can plug these devices in.We didnt want the future marketing of this machine to be constrained by technology.Thats why we ve adopted these standard interfaces"
Clearly shows Sony never stated PS2 as a could be "PC killer".Again people\'s high excitement was the result of this.
The difference bettween XBOX hype and PS2 hype is that most XBOX hype came from MS while PS2 hype from the people\'s high expectations and excitement.It was the next gen console of the most succesfull console of that time.