Originally posted by ooseven
Sorry matey but i feal that i must disagree with you.....
join the crowd.
Timesplitters might not Whaoooo Graphicaly but it\'s got Playability and multiplayer madness in Tonnes (plus people are Still playing it !)Also running at a Silky smooth 60 FPS helped unlike *coff*HALO*coff*
You completely missed my point...I wasn\'t hitting on any one game. Rather I was asking why is that the PS2 was able to leap to stardom on such titles in such a short time? No doubt they\'re good, but enough to propel 10 million consoles into homes...no.
Hype/aniticipation had a big part to do with it.
You\'re snippet at Halo is unnecessary and tired...let it go.
anyway i think you will find that the current trend for X box titles now-a-days is All Flash ....No Substance (the the Poor X bouxy has been around for some time now :rolleyes:, were are Da killer PS2 apps ?)
I think you\'ll find that on most consoles...I could tear this apart into little pieces but then we\'d be covering familar territory. I\'ll close this thread before it goes there.
Once again, this was unnecessary...
Also i think you will find FFX , MGS2 , onimusha GTA3 & GT3 are perfect examples of what the user base can do(in some case\'s those games DID lead to an increase in Console Sales Grand Theft Auto 3 esp),and what the game can do rather than HYPE(Some of them sold over 1 million with in a day{something tell\'s me that 2 million Japanese Gamers in on week can\'t be wrong}).
Another person who missed what I was trying to get across. I\'m getting tired of you people skimming over my posts and quickly replying like this. I answered this full and well about a page back. Go and look.
and this trend is set to continue for the PS2
And it\'s not for Xbox or GC? Can you honestly say the GC or Xbox have that much of a weaker lineup? For their userbase compared to the PS2\'s, I\'d say they\'re doing pretty good.
My point is the Xbox and GC are here to stay...are they getting the same amount of support as PS2...no. They are however, getting a healthy lineup of games.
/me points to the massive amount of PRE-order\'s and excitment over the Comming of GTA : VC Along with the ever growing intrest in ZOE 2 : the Second Runner
anyway hope there is no hard fealings between us buddy, by previous coment was Aimed at the PStwo\'s and Rasl\'s of this world
What\'s happening now is what the thread was aimed at...however it took a nasty turn somewhere and I\'ve ended up defending myself.
I should leave this thread alone...no hard feelings are ever intended towards anyone (except maybe gman and chrono;))