Hmm... great topic and the answers I\'m sure will be very interesting when they are posted and I\'m sure I\'ll forget quite a few games when I list my "winners" and I\'ll have to ammend my answers. Off of the top of my head though, these are my picks:
Most Amazine Technical Achievement:
StarFox (SNES) - Although Donkey Kong Country looked far superior in terms of polish, StarFox was one of a kind in its day and age. Sure, it was on rails, sure it was just plain repetetive shooting, but the game was incredible fun with a few creative branching paths on each difficulty. The beauty of it all was that it was the first to use the FX chip and still has yet to be emulated today. *hugs his original 16-bit copy*
Best Story:
Metal Gear Solid (PSX/PC) - Although I know that there are some games out there with much deeper plots and much more rich characters, namely RPG\'s, no game has captured me like Metal Gear Solid has. Its chracters are very odd, but none of them are totaly unbelieveable and the writing involved makes them that way. Such rich story with espionage, intrigue, and plot twists galore, make for one that I appreciate and love to this very day.
Best Character Design:
Street Fighter (NES - ?) - A lot of people see the Street Fighter characters as generic (bunch of morons I say), but the Street Fighter gang have been ones that are used for constant comparisons. The fighting character standards if you will. Ryu alone has been compared to Sub Zero, Kyo, Mitsurugi, Jin, Haomaru, and a number of other characters from many other fighters because he is the main character standard that all others are defined by. The warrior always striving to be the best. Not to mention an Indian who stretches into almost any direction, a Russian wrestler fighting for his country, and of course an enormous sumo wrestler with a belly full of laughs. It just doesn\'t get much more varied than that.
Greatest Franchise:
Street Fighter (Capcom) - Did you expect anything less from me, the guy who names himself after Ryu?
Well, honestly, I pick Street Fighter because it has been here since the 8-bit days in plenty of forms, ones we love, ones we hate, but all of them had their differences for one reason or another. And although Capcom has milked this franchise more than just about any other, it\'s because it is that damn good. Stop and think just how many versions you\'ve played over the years and you\'ll see that each one stood out above another for plenty of different reasons with each one, only slightly different in name, changing greatly from release to release both at home and in the arcades. It truly is the best fighter there is, the best there was, and in my opinion, the best there ever will be. *Kills Takara*
Most Sought After Import:
Ikaruga (DC) - Although this will see a release on the Gamecube early in 2003, it\'s still the best shooter Treasure has ever made. If you don\'t believe me, just read my impressions of the DC import on in the previews section. It\'s completely awesome and has some twists that are used to effectively. It\'s just an all around amazing import that every Dreamcast owner should have in their library.
Best Game Design:
The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES/GBA) - I tried to think of the most simplistic of games but still managed to be incredibly entertaining and incredibly varied all at the same time and LttP manages to be just that. The puzzles are very interesting albeit simple, and there\'s only two sword techniques, but the combat still has plenty of depth when mingled with other items and weapons. Not only that, but the game manages to tell an interesting story while you explore the beautifully colorful and amazing 16-bit world that everyone who claims to be a gamer should have fond memories of.
Most Important Company:
This is quite possibly the hardest question out of the bunch. Do I pick Squaresoft or Enix because of their sheer selling numbers? No... Especially since I am tired of the current RPG format. Do I pick Nintendo and their typically fun Mario and Zelda games? No... All they make are Mario and Zelda games and hand all their other franchises off to someone else. Should I pick Capcom because of the complete Street Fighter whore I am? No... Although I love them for Street Fighter, I\'m sick of Resident Evil and their shooters aren\'t all that interesting either. What about Konami? No... If I picked them, it would be for only one reason and I hate DDR. Nope, none of them, so who is it do I appreciate the most?
Sega (SoJ\\SoA) - Yes, I pick Sega as the most influential and by far the most original and most important developer for all of gaming. Their Sega sports titles have been totaly amazing ever since VC started making the 2K series and Smilebit has proven time and time again that they can do quality gaming with the releases of Jet Set Radio and soon to be released Panzer Dragoon orta. SonicTeam has also prove that their varied abilities really can adapt and change to fit the ever growing industry with their 3D controller and NiGHTs, Phantasy Star Online, and of course the ever important platform games that the company is named after, Sonic. Lets also not forget their arcade dominating prowess present in Virtua Fighter, Space\\Planet Harriers, Hang-On, Virtua Cop, Gun Blade, and a whole slew of others make them competitors in just about every genre. They deserve our respect moreso than any other company.