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Author Topic: Life time acheivement awards..  (Read 2932 times)

Offline Living-In-Clip

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Life time acheivement awards..
« on: October 20, 2002, 10:27:49 PM »
Okay, here\'s how it goes. I\'ll list a couple catergories and you all tell me who should win the PSX2Central Lifetime Achivement Awards...

Most amazing Techincal Achievement

Best Story .

Best character design

Greatest franchise

Most sought after import

Best game design

Most important Company

Now remember, everyone is entitled to their own opinion\'s. But, please explain your answers also. Oh and only one per catergory.

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Life time acheivement awards..
« Reply #1 on: October 20, 2002, 11:34:00 PM »
Hmm... great topic and the answers I\'m sure will be very interesting when they are posted and I\'m sure I\'ll forget quite a few games when I list my "winners" and I\'ll have to ammend my answers.  Off of the top of my head though, these are my picks:

Most Amazine Technical Achievement:

StarFox (SNES) - Although Donkey Kong Country looked far superior in terms of polish, StarFox was one of a kind in its day and age.  Sure, it was on rails, sure it was just plain repetetive shooting, but the game was incredible fun with a few creative branching paths on each difficulty.  The beauty of it all was that it was the first to use the FX chip and still has yet to be emulated today.  *hugs his original 16-bit copy*

Best Story:

Metal Gear Solid (PSX/PC) - Although I know that there are some games out there with much deeper plots and much more rich characters, namely RPG\'s, no game has captured me like Metal Gear Solid has.  Its chracters are very odd, but none of them are totaly unbelieveable and the writing involved makes them that way.  Such rich story with espionage, intrigue, and plot twists galore, make for one that I appreciate and love to this very day.

Best Character Design:

Street Fighter (NES - ?) - A lot of people see the Street Fighter characters as generic (bunch of morons I say), but the Street Fighter gang have been ones that are used for constant comparisons.  The fighting character standards if you will.  Ryu alone has been compared to Sub Zero, Kyo, Mitsurugi, Jin, Haomaru, and a number of other characters from many other fighters because he is the main character standard that all others are defined by.  The warrior always striving to be the best.  Not to mention an Indian who stretches into almost any direction, a Russian wrestler fighting for his country, and of course an enormous sumo wrestler with a belly full of laughs.  It just doesn\'t get much more varied than that.

Greatest Franchise:

Street Fighter (Capcom) - Did you expect anything less from me, the guy who names himself after Ryu?  ;)  Well, honestly, I pick Street Fighter because it has been here since the 8-bit days in plenty of forms, ones we love, ones we hate, but all of them had their differences for one reason or another.  And although Capcom has milked this franchise more than just about any other, it\'s because it is that damn good.  Stop and think just how many versions you\'ve played over the years and you\'ll see that each one stood out above another for plenty of different reasons with each one, only slightly different in name, changing greatly from release to release both at home and in the arcades.  It truly is the best fighter there is, the best there was, and in my opinion, the best there ever will be.  *Kills Takara*  ;)

Most Sought After Import:

Ikaruga (DC) - Although this will see a release on the Gamecube early in 2003, it\'s still the best shooter Treasure has ever made.  If you don\'t believe me, just read my impressions of the DC import on intensity-magazine.com in the previews section.  It\'s completely awesome and has some twists that are used to effectively.  It\'s just an all around amazing import that every Dreamcast owner should have in their library.

Best Game Design:

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (SNES/GBA) - I tried to think of the most simplistic of games but still managed to be incredibly entertaining and incredibly varied all at the same time and LttP manages to be just that.  The puzzles are very interesting albeit simple, and there\'s only two sword techniques, but the combat still has plenty of depth when mingled with other items and weapons.  Not only that, but the game manages to tell an interesting story while you explore the beautifully colorful and amazing 16-bit world that everyone who claims to be a gamer should have fond memories of.

Most Important Company:

This is quite possibly the hardest question out of the bunch.  Do I pick Squaresoft or Enix because of their sheer selling numbers?  No... Especially since I am tired of the current RPG format.  Do I pick Nintendo and their typically fun Mario and Zelda games?  No... All they make are Mario and Zelda games and hand all their other franchises off to someone else.  Should I pick Capcom because of the complete Street Fighter whore I am?  No... Although I love them for Street Fighter, I\'m sick of Resident Evil and their shooters aren\'t all that interesting either.  What about Konami?  No... If I picked them, it would be for only one reason and I hate DDR.  Nope, none of them, so who is it do I appreciate the most?

Sega (SoJ\\SoA) - Yes, I pick Sega as the most influential and by far the most original and most important developer for all of gaming.  Their Sega sports titles have been totaly amazing ever since VC started making the 2K series and Smilebit has proven time and time again that they can do quality gaming with the releases of Jet Set Radio and soon to be released Panzer Dragoon orta.  SonicTeam has also prove that their varied abilities really can adapt and change to fit the ever growing industry with their 3D controller and NiGHTs, Phantasy Star Online, and of course the ever important platform games that the company is named after, Sonic.  Lets also not forget their arcade dominating prowess present in Virtua Fighter, Space\\Planet Harriers, Hang-On, Virtua Cop, Gun Blade, and a whole slew of others make them competitors in just about every genre.  They deserve our respect moreso than any other company.
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Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Life time acheivement awards..
« Reply #2 on: October 21, 2002, 12:26:56 AM »
Most amazing Technical Achievement

Dune 2 - The Battle for Arakis (PC/Genesis)- While Herzog Zwei and Populous were released before it, Dune 2 was the first ever Real-Time Strategy game as we know it and took the newly made genre and transformed it into the genre we see today.  This game employs techniques that are still being used today in RTS\'s.  In fact, apart from water vehicles (which would have served no real purpose in the game, seeing as Arakis is a desert planet with no water) and the ability to select more than one unit at a time, I can\'t really see any element in modern RTS\'s that weren\'t in this game.

Best Story

Metal Gear Solid: Tactical Espionage Action (PSX/PC) - While fantasy games are deep and involving in their own unique way, this game had a story with real world implications.  Commenting on everything from atomic weapons and genetic manipulation, to sibling rivalry.  Adding more depth, charm and character to that of your standard Espionage novel, this game will always stand out as having the greatest story ever.

Best character design

Magus (Chrono Trigger) - The sleek and almost sexy (stfu) character design is simplistic enough and typifies the bad guy characters uniformly present in today\'s games.  Very gothic design and dress, with almost elvish like features, he has the respsonsibilty of being the \'bad guy\' character to whom I compare all others.

Greatest Franchise

Final Fantasy - Most people wouldn\'t be surprised by my choice.  Released every other year with an all new story, and an all new magic system, I still haven\'t gotten sick of this stellar series.  From Final Fantasy 6 to Final Fantasy X (I\'m working on FF4) every single iteration would be present somewhere in my top ten, or twenty games of all time.  What else need be said?

Most sought after import

Chrono Cross - I want it, and I haven\'t got it.  It will be mine!

Best game design

Resident Evil - You can only carry 6 items at a time.  You have a gun and a small clip taking up 2 spots.  You have a green herb taking up another.  You are carrying a key, and an object needed for a puzzle.  You have no more health in your inventory, and you\'re already on caution.  You walk out the door and hear a terrifying clicking noise slowly working it\'s way to you, but you can\'t see who, or what is making it because of the wonderful use of camera angles.  This is a situation in the game that can occur at any one time, and has yet to be successfully replicated by another game.  Truely amazing.

Most important company

Squaresoft - I have never played a game by Squaresoft I havent loved (although I do avoid some intentionally :D)  If they were to develop exclusively for a console, you could bet that little box would be in my house as soon as possible.  \'Nuff said.

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Life time acheivement awards..
« Reply #3 on: October 21, 2002, 01:56:14 AM »
Most amazing Techincal Achievement

For this category I would have to name AM2\'s Shenmue and Shenmue II as clear winners.. tho many may disagree. What they have done with this game is shown exactly what talented individuals who know their hardware can do when motivated and encouraged. This game isn\'t just amazing in it\'s visuals which one would think are impossible on the Dreamcast.. but in the plethora of calculations going on underneith the surface. Calculations which determine things like weather patters, character reactions, NPC schedules, timed events, and so much more. This game is a marvel for it\'s time and it\'s hardware.

Best Story

Tho I\'d like to name Gabriel Knight as the winner here for it\'s rich atmosphere and deep involving character interactions, I have to agree with Ryu and Bobby and say that MGS does indeed have a superior storyline, and enough action to keep it flowing at a fast pace which helps draw players in in a fashion that GK cannot match.

Best character design

This award would have to go to Square.. not for a single game.. but for the plethora of memorable characters they\'ve made over the span of many games. From Chrono to Tidus to Sephiroth to Kefka.. Square\'s characters remain etched in many gamers hearts and minds.

Greatest franchise

I can\'t personally see how anyone can doubt the power of Mario when it comes to talk of best franchises. The fat lil plumber originally named Jumpman has appeared in hundreds of different games spanning a nearly 20 year career.. many of which are acclaimed as being revolutionary. Weither it be the unprecedented lines around software shops waiting for the release of Mario 3 or the fundamental shift in platformer design brought about by Mario64.. Mario has always been Nintnedo\'s strongest Trump card, and one of the few franchise characters who could actually live on long after his parent company fades away. Mario has transcended from a videogame icon, to a cultural one.

Most sought after import

I\'m not big on the import scene, so I would have to mention the game I\'ve heard the most good things about.. Panzer Dragoon Saga. However this award comes with an * as I\'ve never actually played the game myself.

Best game design

IMO, best game design would have to go to Quest for Glory. Despite it\'s flaws, this game series was accomplishing things back in the late 80\'s to early 90\'s that current games are only now being recognised for. Weither it be dynamic dialouges, branching storyline paths, real-time day/night transistions, unprecidented freedom of exploration, real-world life sustaining needs, as well as combining RPG elements in with action in the form of real-time combat to keep the action flowing at a brisk pace.. this game series was truely ahead of it\'s time.

Albiet.. tho it did have it\'s flaws, mainly in the form of bugs which were brought about by short development cycles and underfunding, the core of this game stands stong. Although it may not have recieved the attention I may think it deserved, the awards it\'s followers recieve are a testiment to just how revolutionary it really was.

Most important Company

Of course, following on the heels of my QFG speil (in typical fanboy fashion) I\'m going to name Sierra as my most important gaming company. Sierra started off with a revolution.. before they were even a company no less. By adding the 3rd dimension into games with their tech demo "King\'s Quest" for the IBM jr, Ken and Roberta Williams started a trend in gaming.. and pushed an industry. Overnight, Sierra almost singlehandedly created markets for VGA graphics, Sound Cards, and CDRom drives in home PC\'s by vigorously persuing new technology to incorperate into their games and informing the home user of the benefits of these new technologies through pamphelets placed inside of their games and articals in their gaming newsletters. They, above any other company, pushed the PC market to expand.. while the competition felt only the desire to create software within "average specs" of most home users.

Not even counting their games which span several frachises successful enough to make it into their seventh to ninth incarnations and garner huge cult followings.. their actions to further improve gaming experiences has lead me to name them the most influencial gaming company around.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2002, 02:01:46 AM by SonyFan »
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Life time acheivement awards..
« Reply #4 on: October 21, 2002, 06:53:03 AM »
Most amazing Techincal Achievement

I don\'t have a solid answer for this one, but from the looks of what\'s to come in the new PS2 Haven game, I might suggest that title, IF it lives up to the current description. The fact that you can move from a fight in space, then pilot your vehicle to the planet below, then go from a desert to an ocean and take a boat to anywhere, and all with no loading between sections, just sounds amazing. I know it\'s not finished, so my answer about this is a speculative one.

Best Story

I agree that the Resident Evil series went downhill after the first couple of games, but I have always loved horror movies, and the first RE game really captured my attention and pulled me in as far as story goes. So, for me the first game in the RE series (which I actually played on the Sega Saturn) had the best story.

Best character design

A lot of people may disagree with me on this, but I\'m going to say Ico. How can I list characters from a game that doesn\'t even have much dialogue? Simply because when I finished this game, these characters seemed more real to me than characters from any other game I\'ve played. Sure, they don\'t speak much, but the relationship between the characters that builds because of their constant interaction and dependency on each other made me care about them.

Greatest franchise

Although I don\'t play many RPGs, I would have to say Final Fantasy. The first one I played was FF4, and even though I haven\'t played much of any FF game since then, it\'s clear to see the impact that the franchise continues to have on gaming, and the dedication that fans in general have to the series.

Best game design

I have to agree with Bobs_Hardware on this. I would agree on Resident Evil, for most of the same reasons already listed.

Most important Company

Although they aren\'t currently my favorite company (but by no means do I dislike them), I would list Nintendo as the most important company. After Atari made their huge fiasco with their poor Pac-Man port and extremely poor sales from the E.T. licensed game that killed the video game industry for awhile, Nintendo was the company that breathed new life into the world of video games with the NES, and things have just picked up momentum since then. I would list Sega as the second most important, because they had a huge hand in perpetuating the momentum that Nintendo started after Atari\'s mistakes.

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Re: Life time acheivement awards..
« Reply #5 on: October 21, 2002, 07:48:47 AM »
Originally posted by Living-In-Clip

Most amazing Techincal Achievement


Free Radical for Timesplitters

60 FPS and a right scream of a multplayer.

detailed Reason

Timesplitters may of been on of the most superb games i have ever played that was developed in such a small development time (due to the launch of the PS2)

ok so Story mode was just a "capture" the flag... but the Multiplayer made up for it.

and due to this Both TS & TS2 can\'t realy be compaired to unreal T or other FPS due to the fact that its Aimed at multiplayer fun rather than Whaoooo factor that unreal T 2003 has with its "rag Doll" physics.

in short

Timesplitters the game your PS2 multitap was made for.
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Offline Ashford
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Life time acheivement awards..
« Reply #6 on: October 21, 2002, 09:40:10 AM »

Why import PDS when its available in the US?
July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

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Life time acheivement awards..
« Reply #7 on: October 21, 2002, 12:56:13 PM »
Most amazing Techincal Achievement

Got to be GT3 in my opinion, even after 18 months nothing has come close to it for amazing graphics depth and playability. To unlock everything will take you months of playing and the car tweaking and tuning adds to the lastability even more. This game is still the benchmark title on the ps2 IMO that has yet to be rivalled.

Best Story
Zelda 64 Ocarina of time. Time travel, meeting different people, lots of enemies to defeat. A truly massive game which certainly kept me hooked to the end. The way things were different depending on which time of day you visited was amazing.

Best character design

Sonic the Hegdehog, he was the sega mascot when the Master System and Megadrive were released and helped make sega\'s 8-bit and 16-bit consoles a success.

Greatest franchise

Got to say the Streetfighter franchise as this is the benchmark that spawed all the beat em up games we have today.

Most sought after import

Dunno, probably Chrono Trigger on SNES because it was never releaed in europe.

Best game design

I would say GTA3, no other game gives you so much freedom to do what you want and recrates a mini city with so much detail. (Roll on Vice City!).

Most important Company

This has gotta be Atari as they are the ones responsible for the first consoles and games. They started the whole console industry and helped to make it what it is today. (With the execption of the Jaguar!)

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Life time acheivement awards..
« Reply #8 on: October 21, 2002, 02:05:48 PM »
most amazing technical achievement

This has got to be Naughty Dog with Jak & Daxter. This game was the first to prove the PS2 biggest critics wrong: from pushing millions of polygons, amazing texture detail, jaggy and shimmer free, absolutely no loading times and an animation sure enough to impress. But, that\'s not the reason why I herald them for their achievement. No, the main reason is their ability to be the one developer, still after more than 2 years, that\'s pushing the PS2 more than anyone. Not only that, but they also managed to achieve something quite special: create an engine that can render one entire world with no loading times, no limits. Look anywhere you want and you will see things exactly as they are. Nothings hidding. To do something like this requires amazing engineering as all objects further away must be simplified into objects which much lower detail. Pack this all up into one game locked at 60 fps and you\'re got one amazing achievement there.

best Story

Hmm, this one was quite hard to decide between the MGS series and FFVII. I\'ll have to go with FFVII though, as this game simply impressed me greatly with the detail of every character. The story kept you playing til the end and this is what makes this game so unique. Something I have, unfortunately, never quite experienced since then.

best character design

Never gave much thought to that, but Square certainly has some of the most amazing characters in games to date IMO. Every FF title I have played thus far has amazing characters and I must say that I really like the design to them.

Most important company

For obvious reasons, Squaresoft. Sony inhouse teams are coming very close though (Naughty Dog being one, EvolutionStudios, Polyphony Digital etc).

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Life time acheivement awards..
« Reply #9 on: October 21, 2002, 03:54:31 PM »
Ashford - PDS is available in the US?? Woah.. ya learn something new everyday. I\'ve always heard it refered to in context of an import game and I\'ve certainly never seen it on the shelf of any Videogame trader shop around here. I was actually pretty oblivious to the goings on at Sega durring the 32 bit days since Sega never saw fit to distribute anything to my area and all the Saturn got around here (when the Saturn acutally got some shelf space) was crap games and games which were already on the PSX. Still to this day it\'s hard to find ~GOOD~ Saturn titles in this part of Indiana.

Kurt Angle - Sonic was not Sega\'s mascot in the 8 bit days. He made his debut in 1992 on the Sega Genesis and his first title was later ported to the Sega Master System 2 which had been re-released with ports of GameGear games and new content. Some of the SMS\'s best games didn\'t come until after it was eclipsed by the Genesis.

Up until that point, Alex Kidd was Sega\'s mascot.. and his game "Alex Kidd in Wonder Land" was built into the revised MasterSystem 2. (The original SMS also had a game built in - a small but fun Snail-Maze race type game)
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What have I become? To myself I am numb. ~ Ben Harper
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Life time acheivement awards..
« Reply #10 on: October 21, 2002, 04:03:41 PM »
PDS is considered to be the best Saturn games and is one of the best RPGs, ever...

A unique battle system that kicks Square\'s a$$...

4 Discs...

Very nice cinemas...

This is one of the most sought after Saturn games because Sega released only about 5,000 copies in the US...

I made the mistake of not picking it up when I had the chance so I had to rely on eBay...

Scored an almost mint copy for $100...

Well worth it...
July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

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Life time acheivement awards..
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2002, 04:06:27 PM »
yes, sega released 1000 copies of PDS in the US

the SMS actually had two games built in games,  hang on and safari hunt (light gun title)

the non built in game version was the one with the snail game, so it kinda did have a built in game anyways  :nut:
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Life time acheivement awards..
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2002, 04:34:44 PM »
No.. I\'m pretty positive that Alex Kidd in Wonder Land was the built in game for the SMS2, it\'s in a Sega Visions magazine I have around here somewhere. I think Hang-On/SafariHunt were -Packaged- with the SMS2.. much like Hang-On/AstroWarrior was for the original SMS.. but were not a part of the hardware like Alex Kidd was.

Not sure.. did they even make a MasterSystem3? Maybe that was one we\'re getting confused on. I know there was a Genesis 3, but it wasn\'t built by Sega.. it was by some other 3rd party hardware manufacturer who simply licenced the technology from Sega.. and came out well after the Saturn and PSX had already launched.

EDIT: Clarification right here - Goldmine of SMS history

In what seems to be a tradition with game systems, Sega of America released the Sega Master System II in 1990 in order to increase it\'s current user base via inexpensive (though downscaled) hardware. This "2nd generation" SMS (comparable to the Atari 2600 Jr. and remodeled NES) is missing some features the first version had, namely the Reset-Button, a power led and the card-slot (which means no games on the Sega cards and no 3D-games, too). Very much the opposite of the original model, the SMS II looks similar to the remodeled 16-bit Genesis system. Smooth curves, rounded corners, variable degrees of black and gray colored plastic, plus an enlarged, white Pause button for those "dive for the system" type of action games. As an incentive, Sega included Alex Kidd in Miracle World as a built-in freebie.
« Last Edit: October 21, 2002, 04:49:32 PM by SonyFan »
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Please Bleed.. so I know that you can feel the damage that you\'ve done.
What have I become? To myself I am numb. ~ Ben Harper
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Life time acheivement awards..
« Reply #13 on: October 21, 2002, 04:45:49 PM »
Yes, I know the Genesis 3. I saw it at KB Toys about 4-5 years ago. Man, what a waste of time!

Much like the revived Game Gear.. ;)
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Offline Bobs_Hardware

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Life time acheivement awards..
« Reply #14 on: October 21, 2002, 09:42:11 PM »
This has gotta be Atari as they are the ones responsible for the first consoles and games. They started the whole console industry and helped to make it what it is today. (With the execption of the Jaguar!)

..Atari... did not start the console industry..


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