Honestly, I\'m becoming a collector and it\'s getting pretty absurd the more I think about it. I don\'t care about the money really and I feel better holding the game in my hands rather than booting it up on the system. Sure, I\'ll play all the games I buy eventually, but lately, I don\'t have the same sense of excitement that I have had in the past. For example, I bought Contra Shattered Soldier on Wednesday and I have still yet to play it. Am I lazy? Perhaps. Am I excited? Not really. Am I satisfied with my purchase anyways? Definitely yes. It\'s strange, I know, but I have no explanation of it. Acquiring the product these days is more fun than actually enjoying the product and it\'s getting a little sad. Why buy games if you are just going to let them collect dust? I guess it\'s the anticipation that has become more fun than the actual game itself with a lot of games released today.
Of course, like with all systems, there are exceptions and games that I just can\'t help but want to play and skip classes just to try it out. The first Street Fighter II on the SNES, MGS, MGS2, Halo, FF7, FF8, Capcom Vs SNK 2, Street Fighter III, Guardian Heroes, Burning Rangers, and of course NiGHTs. I felt great excitement and anticipation with each of those games, but everything else has been nothing but tame in comparison. The unfortunate thing is that I don\'t really mind as much. I know when I complete the Saturn collection I am gunning for, I\'ll play all the games on it eventually, but the only three I am looking forward to right now I have yet to purcahse two of them and I don\'t even have a Saturn yet.
There is no way in hell we\'re both going to be able to go through all the games we buy or want to buy. Is this a bad thing? Are we even "gamers" anymore or do we just collect games like they are baseball cards?
I\'ll say now that I\'ll never be someone who has this massive system collection and game collection like no other. I can\'t spend $300/game for Neo Geo. I refuse to spend $200 on Radiant Silvergun. Panzer Dragoon Saga for $100 isn\'t bad and the $50 that people are asking for for shenmue II on ebay for the European Dreamcast version does sound reasonable, but as I\'m trying to point out, I do have limits. I\'m not totaly crazy, but I have considered putting the cash down for Steel Battalion from time to time, but I still have yet to do it. Point is, I\'m a collector, but I am reasonable and just like most gamers, there are titles I anticipate greatly and will complete, but there are games that I just don\'t care enough about to even want to touch again as well and sell them off just the same.
As far as I can tell, it\'s not a bad thing at all, but rather the comfort of knowing that we have it and we can play it at any time is much greater than physically playing it. Sometimes life gets tough and busy, but knowing when you\'re bored out of your mind, you\'ll always have plenty of games to play. In my opinion, since the RPG genre has gone to hell, it\'s a lot better to have all these games readily available rather than a back log of games that I *need* to complete.