Contra (NES) - Seeing the "thank you for playing" message at the end of the game after beating it without continuing.
Ikaruga (DC) - Beating any level after level 1 without dying.
Final Fantasy VII (PSX) - Aerith\'s death scene and the fight afterwards and how much I wanted to take Siphiroth down.
Street Fighter II (SNES) - When I first got this game, it was a totaly unexpected gift. Great moment in my opinion.
Street Fighter Alpha 2 (PSX) - When i stomped my friend into the ground so hard that he turned into a scrub and actually started calling me cheap.
Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo (PSX) - When I found this game on the shelf at EB for a mere 30 dollars while on EBay it was going for $100 or more.
Metal Gear Solid (PSX) - After you watch the Hind D take off, you have to make your way up to the second floor vent (the preferred floor anyways). That moment when you crawl inside is the moment when the demo ended that came with the Official Playstation Magazine, but realizing that I was now wading into untraveled territory was a great experience.
Sega Dreamcast (System Launch) - Picking this system up right after school at about 12:45PM realizing that this was the first system I had ever fully bought with my own money, games, accessories and all.
Sega Dreamcast (Import) - Trading in the US console for a m0dified import system and popping in Street Fighter 3 W-Impact and Virtual On Oratario Tangram for the first time.
Einhander (PSX) - Getting the Juno cannon for the first time and mastering the Python as well. Playing the last level rocked also with all the changing perspectives. Good stuff.
Resident Evil (PSX) - The first encounter with the Hunters after you re-enter the mansion.
Mega Man X (SNES) - Getting the fireball from Dr. Light and using it to obliterate almost every boss.
Capcom Vs SNK 2 (PSX) - Completing the entire combo super that Rock Howard does during an actual match and winning the round.
Halo: Combat Evolved (Xbox) - Both The Maw and The Silent Cartographer levels both single player and co-op. Great experiences there. Also making it on legendary with almost 2 minutes to spare to the escape shuttle.
Star Wars Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader (GCN) - The entire Return of the Jedi recreation around the Forrest Moon of Endor, over the second deathstar, and inside the second deathstar.
You know what, there are so many more so I\'m just going to stop there. In the words of Cable in Marvel Vs Capcom 2... "That\'s enough for now..."