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Author Topic: Haha!! Funny trick in Vice City..  (Read 2025 times)

Offline THX
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Haha!! Funny trick in Vice City..
« on: November 03, 2002, 11:06:17 PM »
*Warning possible minor spoilers ahead*

This involves a mission that requires you to buy InterGlobal Films on Prawn Island.  The mission is "G-spotlight" and has you do some motorcycle roof jumping (probably the most fun mission in the game).

First play through the mission going up the elevator to see what it should be like normally.  Most likely you\'ll fall off a roof your first time through.  On your 2nd trip to the elevator keep mashing the X button as you\'re waiting for it to open.  Your bike keeps accelerating when the elevator doors shut, slamming you into the bystanders over and over and best of all you get to watch helplessly on the security camera. :)

If you wanna try something else on that mission, during your first big jump press R2 or L2 + O.  This is shooting from your bike but since the first big jump is slo-mo it looks like an ah-nuld flick.
« Last Edit: November 03, 2002, 11:14:45 PM by THX »

\"i thought america alreay had been in the usa??? i know it was in australia and stuff.\"
\"I thought japaneses where less idiot than americans....\" -Adan
\"When we can press a button to transport our poops from our colon to the toilet, I\'ll be impressed.\" -Gman

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Haha!! Funny trick in Vice City..
« Reply #1 on: November 05, 2002, 07:13:17 AM »
One time I jacked a car and was driving along hearing all this screaming...kept driving and kept hearing it until I realize the passenger was still in there.  He bolted as soon as I stopped.  Kinda funny.


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