I got a farely large car... like the esparanto or a van, then ramed through the baracade they had in the front, made a quick right trying to run over as many as possible while getting as close to lance as possible. Usually I got to the hangar where they keep him. Id jump out, run into the hangar kill the guy thats inside and the two that are outside. Then from now, just chill inside the hangar, all the dudes will run at you so you can pick them off one by one. Remember the guy on top of the crane.
After handling most of the enemies, get lance and jump inside the car thats outside the hangar, BUT DONT TAKE IT ALL THE WAY. Just use it to get to the trashmaster thats sitting there waiting for you in the middle of the junkyard. Once you have this thing, the people waiting outside in the cars cant do shit. Just haul ass all the way to the hospital.