Guess what happened? The fan stopped spinning!
Today when I turned on the computer I thought "damn, its pretty quiet" ..
So I started doing some work in Photoshop, then my mom called me down cuz she had made breakfast..
When I came up again (after maybe 20-30 mins) it smelled " new electronics" in my room. You know like when you\'ve bought something new.. A TV for example, it smells "new electronics" the first day.
No burnt smell or anything.
Then my brain went "Wait a minute, quiet computer + smell = FAN no worky!"
I ripped the side panel off my computer and stuck my head in.. Yes my brain was correct, the logo on the little fan was not blurred like it should have been!
OMG, cut the power..
I put my finger on the heatsink and it was pretty damn hot..
I feared for the worst, the GPU is fried

Anyways, I ripped the card out of the computer took the fan off (even though I risk my warranty) and started to spin the fan with my finger. It did not spin very well, so I greased it up with a little 5-56.. Now it rotated like never before..
I mounted it again and started the PC.. I checked so it was spinning by itself.. It seemed okay, now the moment of truth, had the GPU survived the meltdown?
Windows started normally (I guess that means its okay), I booted a game just to be sure.. It worked!
Puh, great!
It seems to be running fine now, no vibrations or nothing.. But Im not risking anything.
Im gonna order a new GPU fan TODAY.. :nerd: