Originally posted by mjps21983
Adan is right, don\'t f*ck with the U.S.A. I may not agree with war or anything but it is not smart to come to our country and take two symbols of freedom right out of the sky and call us cowards, who the f*ck does he think he is. Bush COWARD???? Hell he\'s about 1 hour from where I live how is he hiding??? We know about every visit to his ranch, that is not hiding, Cheney would be the one hiding.
We should of pulled our troops out of Saudi and Germany years ago but we haven\'t, and we pissed some people off so now we have to straighten things out by kickin some ass.
Once again, you are very proud of your military might and think you can boss over countries around and do what you want. Like the situation in Iraq. You dont like Suddam and you want to have control over the oil there. So what does America do? They go to war with them and take what they want. Iraq had done everything it could do to prevent war but the U.S. does not stop because their true purpous is not to to disarm Iraq, but, rather to seize control of the oil.
Believe me, if they do that, they will be humbled.
And no, I\'m not the only one who thinks that way.
The point is, if the U.S. kept its nose in its own business, by not picking sides in the Middle East conflict, Bin Laden and most of the Muslim nation wouldnt hate America.