Originally posted by Titan
Thats a truckload of bullshit right there. It isn\'t about oil. We don\'t give two shits. Theres just as much in Alaska that would be drilled if the environmentalists would stop being bitches about it. The reason we have a gas shortage is because OPEC refuses to give us more. And he is dangerous, especially to us. He wouldn\'t have started mass destruction programs if it wasn\'t for us. We are probably his first target when they\'re done. He also does have terrorist ties.
Anyone who doesnt believe this has nothing to do with oil is either blind or stupid..maybe both. SO if it is not about oil as much as you say its not, whay arent the goon squad lobbying to attack Nkorea since we KNOW the have nukes, not to mention the fact they can actually hit us with them vs. Saddam who could probably go no further than Isreal if he even has them.
Alaska is out of the question as it always has been. There is a HUGE deposit in northern alaska I believe it is in the middle of a national forest.
I dont believe we are in a gas shortage, I believe gas stations/ corporations are just taking advantage of a situation at the moment.
Like I said before, he is a very dangerous man, but not to us at the moment.
Prove the terrorist ties other than him giving money to the families of suicide bombers.
Gohan..thank you for that last post!