Guys, Guys, Guys........
I gave up with this shit. Well, not really but my opinions aren\'t going to change anything. Which that goes completely against to what this country is supposed to stand for. People choose what this country does. Never have I heard Bush or any of his Nuke Squad mention anything about the public opinion, what the people want, or what they think. Sure, there have been polls that say that most Americans want war, yet those polls aren\'t valid. Unless they go around and interview every single person living in this country, those kind of polls do not matter.
I know some of you might say, "Well you\'re opinions don\'t matter b/c they have no and we are fighting for freedom, REMEMBER 9/11!!! REMEMBER!!!!
Sure, Remember 9/11. Wasn\'t the government urging us to put that behind us? Yet, every day we are being reminded? What happened happened. We can\'t change the past. But we can change the future. Going to war with a country that supposedly has Nukes isn\'t very smart. They have done NOTHING to the US. They have many times said they have no kind of weapons, sure they\'re not very trustworthy, but where would this world go if there is no trust? The US just keeps pushing at them, claiming they must be disarmed, they want a war with no proof or evidence. Besides Iraq has nothing to do with 9/11.
Osama still living. Probably living in Beverly Hills with his 19 wifes. Washing himself with US dollars. While shooting some bald eagles right in front of the FBI offices. Maybe, he even took time to walk into UN and plant a bomb in every seat, he might of taken a nap in there too. I hope he was nice enough to say bye to the security guards. He probably went out with GWB daughter, slammed her a couple of times and got her back home on his Stretched Escalade that says, "Osama riding in here". People have probably reported sightings of Osama, yet the US government, the same smart people that could of prevented 9/11 or at least tried to, they have yet to approve of such evidence. A week after the UN blows, they finally realize what those people said was true. They will probably want to start a war with Russia b/c they have some kind of new weapon that doesn\'t exist, yet they will be very sure of it........
My point?
Osama still living, NK still threatening, Hussain still rejecting, Bush still being a dumbass.
But, we can\'t "Misunderestimate" Bush...