As most of you know, I am pretty tolerable with different views as long as they aren\'t based on ignorance.
That being said..
Keep things civil in here. Blatant insults directed at others for any reason won\'t be tolerated.
I can handle bashing other countries to a degree, but know where the line in the sand is. Some people will take a great deal of offense to what you may say.
Racial ignorance is a zero tolerance policy. PERIOD.
Please try to stay on-topic as I nor Luke do not wish to go around threads cleaning up the trash you leave.
Keep in mind we have MANY different views and opinions in here due to our diversity, we are open to all of that, I ask you all to do them same. If you can\'t handle that, this forum isn\'t for you and I ask you to move on.
Looks like we can stay pretty laid back for the most part, please dont take it to an uncomfortable level.
Luke..add anything you feel necessary.