Ok, you be the judge.
You\'re a 16 year old guy and you buy a car manufactured in 1988, not-fuel injected, automatic transmission, and obtain your license on your sixteenth birthday. The car is in moderate shape, but you want it be somewhat presentable. So you buy it really nice tires, costs you about 400 dollars. You also are a big music guy, so you buy a system for about another 400 dollars. Then you put it through a routine maintenance check that runs at about 70 dollars. You\'re good to go, no more money to be spent, its just you and your car right? Wrong.
Only one month goes by and your car is having carburator problems. Ok, small letdown, you get it reparied for about 120 dollars.
One week goes by, same problem arises again. The auto mechanic goes back to work, but does not charge.
Next month, the weather is dropping, and the car turns out to be one of those cars that needs a good 5-10 minutes warming up in the morning in order for it to drive well. And then, more problems with the carburator arise.
So the mechanic basically says, you need a new carb, not a rebuilt one, but a new one fresh out of the box. *cash register noise*
More money.
Its now February, your driving home from swim practice, and what do you know? The car stalls at a red light. And now it can\'t even seem to maintain any kind of idle speed, it just flat out crashes and burns all the way down to 0 rpm.
My dad is tired of it, and I\'m just sick of it. With the money we\'ve drained into this car I could have gotten like a 2002 Civic or some shit. Should I just quit feeding this dead dud and get it off my hands, and get a new car? Or is this just a problem the mechanic really has no clue on how to fix?
I\'m so sick of this shit, I need my car, its like another appendage of my body.