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Author Topic: UK Goverment gets a well deserved hard time  (Read 910 times)

Offline ooseven
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UK Goverment gets a well deserved hard time
« on: February 27, 2003, 03:30:54 AM »
and quite right too...

its all over the news over here

read the quote and then click on the link...what they did was a out rage ! :rpissed:


Call for hepatitis C \'justice\'

The blood products were used in the 1970s and 1980s
Patients infected with hepatitis C through contaminated blood products are to mount what they describe as a "campaign for justice" outside the Scottish Parliament.
Victims will press for action at Holyrood on Thursday.

BBC Scotland has learned that several patients have had their medical notes returned to them with vital information about their treatment in the 1980s missing.

About 500 haemophiliacs in Scotland have contracted hepatitis C through contaminated blood products.


anyway read and Discuss....

i hope New Labour gets kicked out in the up comming Scottish Elections for this.
“If you’re talking about sheep or goats, there could be some issues,” [/color]


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