Ouch, coming from a fellow skater I know what it is to totally just whipe out. Ive broken my wrist and need surgery to prove it. It happened right during my growth spurt, and my arm wont grow anymore unless they go in and fix it... but hell the scar will look kickass

If you thinks that bad, I was watching RealTV and this kid went down to boardslide ("grind") and landed on his feet with enough force to bend his right leg back and his foot hit him in his teeth, ripping three out. Here is a ghetto mspaint picture of what I could best do to describe it since its quite hard to understand..
BTW: Ill look around for the video of it. This picture is
very crude, but it can serve its purpose to give you an idea. This video almost made me scream with how much it would hurt. Imaging taking your leg and kicking youself in the head with it, smacking out your teeth, then falling down smashing your ****ing balls on a rail, bailing off rolling down onto cement and while your limbs flar in the air.... ive gotten carried away...

It is really just disgusting, Ill check to see if its even appropriate.