Originally posted by project86
Maturity at it\'s finest folks.
It\'s not about freedom of speach ooseven, it\'s about respecting other peoples posts. And coming from you I would have thought you would have had more respect than that. A mistake I won\'t make again.
well considering your post was a direct attack on Heat\'s personality.
i would think you would be happy that i USED Humour to Edit your post rather than delete it which i could of done.
Ah you Just Can\'t win...
i have people (name removedetc...

) B!tching about the Foums and rules by myself and co...
and when we ask you to excersise some Self Control or contribute to the forum your all very quick to B!tch about.
in fact here are some examples......
Memeber "oh the forum is quiet.....its dying"
our Responce "well post threads to create intrest then"
Member "ok i have done that but whaaaaa

you deleted my Goat F$%ker thread"
our Responce "when we said post something that will create intrest we wanted you to do it within the rules"
Memebr "oh you did this .. Did that..... .. if i was Admin or mod i would do it better......if i can\'t Be Mod then i am going and not comming back"
The Titan Example j/k
our Responce :rolleyes: "if you don\'t like it here.. then Go....we are not stopping you.. in fact we could do with the peace and quiet"