Originally posted by Heat
Yep, I\'d rather live here then America. Atleast I can walk down the street without being mugged, rapped and shot, all at the same damn time.
Heat, you’re an idiot.
Where did you ever get the idea that these things would happen to you if you lived here? Did these things happen to you perhaps? Or to a close friend? Oh, let me guess, you heard about it and thus believe it?
England SUCKS!
You guys are just upset at the fact that this great nation was built by those that thought your “great” nation sucked!
You, having once been a great world power have been diminished to a mere sideshow. You’re the dummy that sits on the lap of the American forces in any war that ever was. Oh, did I mention you SUCK!
I am sick of hearing you guys in England throwing jabs States side. Give it a rest and learn from experience. Come over here and see that there are many great cities and towns that would be more than happy to welcome you and your money. We may not be what you would consider tasteful but our culture is far more diversified than yours and we have many beautiful places to go where you won’t get raped, mugged, etc, etc all at the same time.
Ok, I am done venting. Don’t hate me, I’m just sick of the bashing around here when it comes to America.