So lately I\'ve kind of been pre-occupied with something. and yes, it has to do with a girl. I met this girl a little more than a year ago. She now lives pretty much on the other side of the country as me, (which might as well be on the other side of the world). Despite the distance between us, we have talked pretty much every day for at least an hour. needless to say, we have gotten a little close. So here\'s the dilema:
She will be here on Saturday. Now, I\'m sure your thinking to yourself "Thats a good thing right?" and on a normal basis I would agree with that. But she\'s going to be here for ONE day. then she will be gone. Now, I dont know exaclty what will happen within this 24 hour timeframe, but I dont know if I want that to happen, what is very probable, considering the fact that we talked about it. I just dont want to make that fact that she lives more than 12 hours away, More of a problem then it already is. I guess Im affraid that if we get any closer then we already are, I\'m going to feel worse then before she came to visit me. What should I should do?