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Author Topic: Fighters flew within 50 feet of Air Force surveillance jet  (Read 660 times)

Offline luckee
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Fighters flew within 50 feet of Air Force surveillance jet
« on: March 04, 2003, 03:46:41 AM »

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The Bush administration plans to formally protest North Korea\'s actions during a weekend incident in which four North Korean jet fighters intercepted a U.S. surveillance plane over the Sea of Japan, officials said Monday.

The administration also said the incident could persuade China and Russia to be more open to U.S. requests to apply pressure on Pyongyang.

"As they look at the facts of what happened here, it will be hard for Russia and China not to conclude, \'OK, now North Korea has gone too far,\'" a senior administration official told CNN.

Tension has been rising on the Korean Peninsula since North Korea disclosed in October that it had renewed efforts to develop nuclear weapons it swore off of in a 1994 agreement.

The official said the forum for lodging a formal protest had not been settled on, but that one possible method would be to communicate with North Korean diplomats at the United Nations. Japan and South Korea are being consulted on the best approach, that official and others said.

"There is no question this is a higher-level provocation than what we have been seeing," the senior official said. "This is a type of situation where one miscalculation and people lose their lives, and then there is the risk of some counter-response where more people can lose their lives."

U.S. military sources said Monday that the RC-135S surveillance aircraft was in international airspace about 150 miles [240 kilometers] off the Korean peninsula when four armed North Korean MiGs approached and flew alongside for 20 minutes, at some points coming within 50 feet of the U.S. plane. The Air Force plane returned to its base in Okinawa, Japan, without further incident.

One of the North Korean fighters locked its acquisition radar onto the RC-135S, a method used by fighter aircraft to locate another plane in the air, a Pentagon official said. At least two of the planes were MiG-29s. The two other fighters were thought to be MiG-23s.

Pentagon: Intercept took coordination
Pentagon officials say the encounter was obviously well-planned and premeditated because the MiGs have a relatively short range, so for them to fly 150 miles offshore, shadow the U.S. plane and still have fuel to get back would require a coordinated plan that pre-positioned the planes to make the intercept.

"This was obviously ordered by higher-ups," one Pentagon official said.

Pentagon officials were trying to interpret the North Koreans\' action Monday.

One theory is that North Korea was trying to engage the United States in order to provoke a response, much as China did in April 2001, when one of its fighter jets collided with an American EP-3 spy plane over international waters.

"They saw what the Chinese did with the EP-3," one senior administration official said.

The North Korean incident was "very deliberate," according to that official.

"If they get the U.S. to fire on them, that\'s \'proof\' an invasion is right around the corner," he said.

Whatever the motivation, U.S. officials agree that the incident shows Pyongyang is taking "bigger and bigger risks."

The RC-135S Cobra Ball aircraft is a modified version of the military C-135S cargo plane, which is based on Boeing\'s 707 commercial airliner. The aircraft are used to monitor areas where missiles are tested.

Last week, North Korea fired a short-range missile at sea during naval exercises, and Friday, Japanese newspapers reported that Pyongyang had tested a rocket booster for its Taepo Dong ballistic missiles at a launch site on the country\'s east coast in January.

In 1998, North Korea test-fired a missile that flew over Japan, raising tensions in the region.

Sunday\'s incident marked the first time in more than 30 years that North Korean aircraft have intercepted a U.S. plane, the sources said.

The previous interception occurred in 1969, when a North Korean fighter shot down a U.S. EC-121 reconnaissance aircraft over the Sea of Japan, killing more than 30 U.S. airmen, according to a Pentagon official.
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Offline ooseven
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Fighters flew within 50 feet of Air Force surveillance jet
« Reply #1 on: March 04, 2003, 04:05:39 AM »
The worrying thing is that NK also happens to be one of the Largest (as in to make its pressence fealt ) Anti-American States.

The phrase "they are Gearing up for a Showdown with the US" is a bit of a understatement.

you know NK has Whole WAR Museums filled with Captured and Destroyed US Tanks.. Planes .. Etc...

They even have a Exibit were they show of a Axe which was used to kill two American GI\'s during the Korean War.


if the march to war was like a Insurance medical.

Iraq would be looking worried  in reception about having to drop its pants in Front of the Doctor, while saying "hey can\'t you see IRAN first ?".

While North Korea would Storm in past the Nurse (hey he didn\'t even have a appointment)... grab the urine sample bottle of the Doctor.. Run out to the Reception.. Slam  it down in the middle of the floor for all to see… and  then lose and Go Crazy splashing everyone who happens to get to close.
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Offline videoholic

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Fighters flew within 50 feet of Air Force surveillance jet
« Reply #2 on: March 04, 2003, 04:46:17 AM »
The scariest thing is they keep pumping out all of this rhetoric that we are coming after them and that we are threatening nuclear war, etc.  What the f are they talking about?  That guy is one crazy dictator.  That will be a far more interesting war than the Iraqi conflict.

That plane they tagged, the spy plane, is it armed at all?  If not then why did it not have an escort?
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Offline ooseven
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Fighters flew within 50 feet of Air Force surveillance jet
« Reply #3 on: March 04, 2003, 04:51:21 AM »
Originally posted by videoholic

That plane they tagged, the spy plane, is it armed at all?  If not then why did it not have an escort?

Don\'t know ?

by Definition ... Spy Planes are unarmed because the vast majority of space is devoted to surveillance equipment.

Plus the risk of having escorts is that not only are you risking a incident with the SPy planes sortie.. but you also risk a armed responce of Conflict if it was escorted by two F16\'s...

Looks like All the NK\'s did was just target it to make a point more than a actual physical threat.
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Offline videoholic

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Fighters flew within 50 feet of Air Force surveillance jet
« Reply #4 on: March 04, 2003, 05:03:35 AM »
Yeah, but that pilot I\'m sure needed a change of shorts after that.
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
 kopking: \"i really think that i how that guy os on he weekend\"
TheOmen speaking of women: \"they\'re good at what they do, for what they are.\"

Offline GigaShadow
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Fighters flew within 50 feet of Air Force surveillance jet
« Reply #5 on: March 04, 2003, 06:04:17 AM »
Nope it is not armed and they were in international waters so no need for an escort.  N. Korea doesn\'t recognize accepted  international water boundaries anyway.

That is also the same type of plane that collided with a Chinese fighter a year or two ago.  Remember the one we had to disassemble and ship back to the US?  I think the NK\'s were trying to create the same type of incident as 50 feet in the air is like an inch on the ground.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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Offline videoholic

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Fighters flew within 50 feet of Air Force surveillance jet
« Reply #6 on: March 04, 2003, 06:31:49 AM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow
Nope it is not armed and they were in international waters so no need for an escort.  N. Korea doesn\'t recognize accepted  international water boundaries anyway.

Exactly why they should have an escort.
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
 kopking: \"i really think that i how that guy os on he weekend\"
TheOmen speaking of women: \"they\'re good at what they do, for what they are.\"


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