Yes people.
I now have the n-gage. I got it a while ago. (if you\'ve missed it )
Initial impression are good. Only one game so far. space impact evolution X. which has gameboy advance type of graphics with gameplay ala 1942. Interface is that of 7650/3650 (series 60). The vertical screen works fine, saying that, space impact X is oppimezed for a vertical screen.
the Size and layout of the keys are good. The size of the whole gamedeck is somewhat smaller then I expected.
The radio/mp3 features are really neat. And MP3 and Radio you can play through the loudspeaker so if you go camping or something, its the perfect entertainment device.... as long as you can charge it somewhere. Real player can play movies from MM card as well as steaming.
all in all so far so good. Still price will be an issue i suspect. And the fact that you have to remove the back cover to change MM card is really stupid.
If I where changing phones and liked to have gaming and music features then THIS IS THE BOMB. I will have this phone for a year or so now, so if you have any questions..just ask