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Author Topic: Thank God we have top quality operatives in our intelligence agencies :rolleyes:  (Read 720 times)

Offline ooseven
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i Laughed so much when i read this this morning that i nearly wet myself....in fact i did a little and had to go and change and take a shower.


in New York

EXPERTS say Osama Bin Laden has shaved off his beard to avoid being spotted.
Computer files and mobile phone records seized from the hideout of captured al-Qa’ida mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed show that Bin Laden is living in a city.

Up until now it was thought he was holed up in a remote mountain hide-out.

The news has sparked speculation that Bin Laden has drastically altered his appearance to blend in.

Al-Qa’ida expert Rita Katz said: “If Bin Laden is in a city, he probably doesn’t have his long beard or wear flowing gowns, but looks just like a businessman.”

Intelligence agents grabbed a list of 200 undercover terrorists who are in the West and ready to strike when they raided Khalid’s hideout in Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

A frantic bid to grab suspects in Washington, New York, Europe and the Middle East was last night under way.

US officials are furious Pakistan revealed Saturday’s arrest and so tipped off terrorists.

hmm officials say he may of shaved....

oh Great we are in safe hands then :rolleyes:

here is my list of things the Dum@ses that made this statment might say he is doing to avoid capture.....

  • He may travel under a Different name  
  • He may even travel using alternitive methods
  • He may ware disguises to fool security officials    
  • He may hide out in the wilderness were only a select few know where he is
  • He may want to do very bad things to the US & UK
  • He May keep future plans to himself for the time being
  • He may visit a Strip Bar to trow us off the Sent

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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Offline Black Samurai
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I\'m sorry; but I have no idea what is wrong with this. Is the problem that the article states the obvious? Or what. I just don\'t see what the eye rolling is for.

Its not like this was a report released by the CIA. Its a fluff article by some guy in NY. Slow news day,  I guess.
[SIZE=\"4\"][COLOR=\"Red\"]I\'m sorry, That\'s not a hair question.[/COLOR][/SIZE]

Offline ooseven
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Originally posted by Gohan
I\'m sorry; but I have no idea what is wrong with this. Is the problem that the article states the obvious? Or what. I just don\'t see what the eye rolling is for.

Its not like this was a report released by the CIA. Its a fluff article by some guy in NY. Slow news day,  I guess.

its that fact that the Article States the Obvious...

in fact i find it worrying that this was printed nearly after a year and a half after 9/11

Shouldn\'t they of posted pictures of him in all possible situations to increase the profile of the Hunt for Bin Laden ?
“If you’re talking about sheep or goats, there could be some issues,” [/color]

Offline videoholic

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I don\'t get it either.  Big deal.
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Offline Unicron!
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Shave his beard?I dont think so.As a fanatic muslim he is he would see it as a sacrilege to shave his beard.
Islam fanatics never shave.In SA I ve been accidentally in various supermarkets where they never sell shaving products because as a good muslim an arabian should never shave.
« Last Edit: March 05, 2003, 06:01:31 AM by Unicron! »

Offline Ace
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Originally posted by Unicron!
Shave his beard?I dont think so.As a fanatic muslim he is he would see it as a sacrilege to shave his beard.
Islam fanatics never shave.In SA I ve been accidentally in various supermarkets where they never sell shaving products because as a good muslim an arabian should never shave.

You have to be kidding me. These animals are not good Muslims. The 9/11 scumbags were in bars and strip clubs before they left to meet their virgins in the sky.

Osama will do anything he can to keep his ass on this earth.


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Offline project86
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Ooseven, no offense man but I think that your hatred for those in government at this time has gotten to you head a bit here. This thread is ridiculing the CIA and such all because of an article posted by the media? What sense is that all about? I see no point to mocking the governments of any country for what the media posts. Fluff, which’s all the article was and that’s exactly what this thread, is all about.

Are you simply trying to get a rise out of anybody that reads this thread or are you attempting to post something real and serious? Just curious that’s all.
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Offline videoholic

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You beat me to it Ace.  These terrorists are not muslims at all.  They are whack jobs.
I wear a necklace now because I like to know when I\'m upside down.
 kopking: \"i really think that i how that guy os on he weekend\"
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