Originally posted by Rya
Thank you so much Samwise!!! I\'m so sorry I forgot it was you who understoond Danish!
No problem.

Hasn\'t she been in Denmark for seven years now? [/B]
Yeah, something like that. But she actually spoke decent Danish after just a few months (might have been more, but it was really fast).
From what I can hear of the clip, she sounds very comfortable speaking Danish. I heard she spoke better than Prince Henrik. [/B]
Haha, true that. That %"#& can\'t speak proper Danish, and he\'s been here, what, 30+ years? I also believe they speak French privately (why she\'d do that is beyond me, but oh well).
And what is the Danish people\'s general opinion of Mary Donaldson? [/B]
She\'s hot! Oh wait, that was my opinion.

Actually I think most if not all people seem to like her. She\'s smart, successful and attractive. What\'s not to like.