Sometimes in impending-catastrophic events the best way to deal with whats to come is to write it down. Thats what I do. This is just a short story I wrote the other night after watching the news. Feel free to post any critiques or work of your own.
-I could die from a nuclear explosion. At ground-zero I would be decimated. My body would vaporize. My genetics would vanish. I could die from being in the bomb\'s radius. The wake would peel my skin and muscle tissues away in slow motion.
-I could die in a dark green uniform. A bullet could rip through my jacket--right at the breast pocket where my last name is inscribed in hasty, gold sticthing. I\'d fall face first into the dry and foreign soil.
-I could die from malnutrition in a basement where I must be quarantined to the the fact the world outside is so mine-laden and bomb-beaten is less safe. I could watch my heart stop beating through the skin-covered ribs of my chest
-I could die in a helicopter-malfunction. My final thoughts chopped and broken by the sound of the blades.
-I could die in a protest that, fueld by anger and agression, shifts into a riot.
-I could waste away and die of old age in my wheelchair--my two legs cut at the knee and wrapped in constantly oozing bandages.
-I could go insane, gunshots and death-cries ringing in my ears. The hammer click and the bullet that entered my own head would sound no different than the others.
-I could die alone, bed-ridden and too tired of wondering where my family, friends, and country have gone.
-I could die.
-Or I could live.
Thanks for taking the time to read guys.