If you\'re never home then you can\'t have a pet, simple as that. Poor dog is all I can say.
Doesn\'t matter how housetrained it is, if you\'re away for 10-11 hours a day then it surely will crap and/or pee on your rug. Imagine you being locked up somewhere and having to hold it for 10 hours straight and remember, most dogs have smaller bladders etc (you get the point) than humans so it\'s even worse for them.
My family has always had dogs, we walk them 2-3 times each day and also let them out in the yard a couple of times a day.
And like many of the others say, do not yell at him if he peed or crapped on yer rug a minute after he actually did it coz he\'ll not understand why you\'re yelling. The only time you can use a negative tone of voice at a dog is when you catch him redhanded doing something that is wrong (stealing food from the kitchen, peeing indoors etc.)
Also like many others said; always smile, and talk in higher pitched voice (sounds dumb but it works) and always praise and use positive reencouragement when he relieves himself outside. That\'s pretty much the only way.
Having a puppy takes commitment, much like a baby. You wouldn\'t leave your kid alone all day now would you?