Originally posted by Ace
Twelve years not enough? How long should we let Mr. Blix prove he has no backbone?
You know this for a fact? Saddam wouldn\'t dare hand out some chemicals for terrorist use?
How the hell does Bush know he DIDN\'T destroy the freaking weapons during those twelve years?
WE didn\'t choose to go to war, WE didn\'t approve of anything, there was no vote about it. So WE didn\'t choose to do anything. BUSH did. Powell did.
Im 100% against this war. Does that mean I hope all of our soldiers die? Does that mean I automatically wish the worst for them? NO and NO. I don\'t think they should be there in the first place.
Im shocked that they are proud of destroying another countries capital buidings, and in the end we\'re going to end up rebuilding them anyway. Im shocked that they even did this, they said on the news Coalition forces were advancing with no problems.
Im in awe that they even chose to call it something so evil. "Woooowww look at them they\'re wasting millions on dollars on blowing up buildings and people"
They must be pretty proud of what they\'re doing to call it such a thing. Im pretty sure they\'re hoping North Korea and all the Anti-American countries are watching and are in awe. To me, this "shock and Awe" crap is using Iraqi people and buildings to show other countries what will happen if you don\'t follow and praise the US military and Government.
So far no Chemical weapons have been found, no Nukes, no Scuds. The scuds that were supposedly fired turned out to be other kinds of missiles.
Also, in the news they mention that only a small percentage of the refugees are from iraq. The rest that came from iraq are of other nationalities. DO those people WANT to be "free". Did anybody care to ask them? Are they ready to be free? Yes, they have no choice but to listen to their leader or else. But look at us, we\'re defending our troops, we got their backs. Why? Because they\'re US troops. They\'re OUR troops. Im pretty sure the Iraqi people feel the same way. They\'re ready to die for their country, even if it means going back to the way it was. They\'re proud of being Iraqis, they\'re proud people, Just like us. Talking about bringing freedom to them and ignoring how this war will affect them is just dumb.
If this isn\'t about oil, What is going to happen to the oil? Who will control it?
The US of course, Who is setting up the dummy government for now? The US. Saying that the Oil is Iraqs most valuable income source is right, saying that they will prosper from is wrong, im sure we will see the US sucking from that oil like if it was nectar.
Bush\'s father sold the supplies to the Iraqi government back in the day when they were friends, now his son is "fighting" to get rid of them. Irony.