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Author Topic: rant about the presedency during this time of crisis.  (Read 1457 times)

Offline Ace
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rant about the presedency during this time of crisis.
« Reply #15 on: March 21, 2003, 07:27:42 AM »
Originally posted by Green Meanie

1) Unfortunately the inspectors were not allowed to finish their job so we can\'t prove that one.

Twelve years not enough? How long should we let Mr. Blix prove he has no backbone?

3) The only reason he\'ll gas US troops is because they are going to kill him. In non-war times he wouldn\'t dare, now he may do.

You know this for a fact? Saddam wouldn\'t dare hand out some chemicals for terrorist use?


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rant about the presedency during this time of crisis.
« Reply #16 on: March 21, 2003, 07:34:48 AM »
How would you describe \'having a backbone\'?

Is it the ability to blindly pull a trigger?

He\'s got more of a backbone than us, he\'s been walking around inside a country who\'s leaders would happily kill him without ever showing fear.

Offline SirMystiq

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rant about the presedency during this time of crisis.
« Reply #17 on: March 21, 2003, 11:58:17 AM »
Originally posted by Ace

Twelve years not enough? How long should we let Mr. Blix prove he has no backbone?

You know this for a fact? Saddam wouldn\'t dare hand out some chemicals for terrorist use?


How the hell does Bush know he DIDN\'T destroy the freaking weapons during those twelve years?

WE didn\'t choose to go to war, WE didn\'t approve of anything, there was no vote about it. So WE didn\'t choose to do anything. BUSH did. Powell did.

Im 100% against this war. Does that mean I hope all of our soldiers die? Does that mean I automatically wish the worst for them? NO and NO. I don\'t think they should be there in the first place.


Im shocked that they are proud of destroying another countries capital buidings, and in the end we\'re going to end up rebuilding them anyway. Im shocked that they even did this, they said on the news Coalition forces were advancing with no problems.

Im in awe that they even chose to call it something so evil. "Woooowww look at them they\'re wasting millions on dollars on blowing up buildings and people"

They must be pretty proud of what they\'re doing to call it such a thing. Im pretty sure they\'re hoping North Korea and all the Anti-American countries are watching and are in awe. To me, this "shock and Awe" crap is using Iraqi people and buildings to show other countries what will happen if you don\'t follow and praise the US military and Government.

So far no Chemical weapons have been found, no Nukes, no Scuds. The scuds that were supposedly fired turned out to be other kinds of missiles.

Also, in the news they mention that only a small percentage of the refugees are from iraq. The rest that came from iraq are of other nationalities. DO those people WANT to be "free". Did anybody care to ask them? Are they ready to be free? Yes, they have no choice but to listen to their leader or else. But look at us, we\'re defending our troops, we got their backs. Why? Because they\'re US troops. They\'re OUR troops. Im pretty sure the Iraqi people feel the same way. They\'re ready to die for their country, even if it means going back to the way it was. They\'re proud of being Iraqis, they\'re proud people, Just like us. Talking about bringing freedom to them and ignoring how this war will affect them is just dumb.

If this isn\'t about oil, What is going to happen to the oil? Who will control it?
The US of course, Who is setting up the dummy government for now? The US. Saying that the Oil is Iraqs most valuable income source is right, saying that they will prosper from is wrong, im sure we will see the US sucking from that oil like if it was nectar.

Bush\'s father sold the supplies to the Iraqi government back in the day when they were friends, now his son is "fighting" to get rid of them. Irony.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

Offline GigaShadow
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rant about the presedency during this time of crisis.
« Reply #18 on: March 21, 2003, 12:09:12 PM »
Originally posted by SirMystiq

How the hell does Bush know he DIDN\'T destroy the freaking weapons during those twelve years?

WE didn\'t choose to go to war, WE didn\'t approve of anything, there was no vote about it. So WE didn\'t choose to do anything. BUSH did. Powell did.

Im 100% against this war.

They must be pretty proud of what they\'re doing to call it such a thing. Im pretty sure they\'re hoping North Korea and all the Anti-American countries are watching and are in awe. To me, this "shock and Awe" crap is using Iraqi people and buildings to show other countries what will happen if you don\'t follow and praise the US military and Government.

So far no Chemical weapons have been found, no Nukes, no Scuds. The scuds that were supposedly fired turned out to be other kinds of missiles.

Also, in the news they mention that only a small percentage of the refugees are from iraq. The rest that came from iraq are of other nationalities. DO those people WANT to be "free". Did anybody care to ask them? Are they ready to be free? Yes, they have no choice but to listen to their leader or else. But look at us, we\'re defending our troops, we got their backs. Why? Because they\'re US troops. They\'re OUR troops. Im pretty sure the Iraqi people feel the same way. They\'re ready to die for their country, even if it means going back to the way it was. They\'re proud of being Iraqis, they\'re proud people, Just like us. Talking about bringing freedom to them and ignoring how this war will affect them is just dumb.

If this isn\'t about oil, What is going to happen to the oil? Who will control it?
The US of course, Who is setting up the dummy government for now? The US. Saying that the Oil is Iraqs most valuable income source is right, saying that they will prosper from is wrong, im sure we will see the US sucking from that oil like if it was nectar.

Bush\'s father sold the supplies to the Iraqi government back in the day when they were friends, now his son is "fighting" to get rid of them. Irony.

You still haven\'t proven you are capable of participating here.  Look at your accusations, especially that last part about "our troops".  

He didn\'t destroy those weapons - if he did why couldn\'t he have proven it?  Its not like throwing out a bag of trash.  Chemical weapons require specialized disposal which is documented.    Really its not that hard.

We did chose to go to war.  Congress authorized the bill after 9/11 - :rolleyes:

We all know you are preteen who is opposed to the war no disputing that.

As for finding chemical weapons... wait till the fighting is over and then make your claim.

The Iraqi people will control the oil.  It is their oil and the Bush administration along with the rest of the allies have REPEATEDLY said this.

As for the rest of your tirade about "our troops" et al... maybe someone besides you can translate this for me as it is incoherent rambling.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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rant about the presedency during this time of crisis.
« Reply #19 on: March 21, 2003, 12:14:31 PM »
the thing we are all probably not taking into account is that the intelligence gathered from our ow is much different than what the inspectors get.  The US probably has people on the inside, some maybe even close to President Huessein, hence the reason we were more than likely led to the Bunker where he was staying on night one of the bombing campaign.  Having this intel is both good and bad.  Good for the fact that we are sure we know what to look out ofr, and we have our people overseeing things from the inside to make sure that we are prepared for anything, bad because if we wanted to keep those people intact we would have a hard time doing so with that intel being broadcast to the masses.  Once it hits the mainstream (even the UN) it would get back to the Iraqi government and someone would figure out who did what.  So, it is a double edged sword because for the most part we can kind of push people in the right direction, but we can\'t really reveal anything in order to keep our intel alive and keep us from being blind as to what is happening in the government of Iraq.


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rant about the presedency during this time of crisis.
« Reply #20 on: March 21, 2003, 12:21:21 PM »
Also, one last part, the troops are going pretty easily through the terrain they are in, but all indications are that Baghdad and Kirkik is where the armies of Iraq are positioned.  The spots they are bombing are Military compounds, comminications centers and Saddams personal palaces and offices.  The Ministry of Defenses offices.  Basically anything that is crippling their airforces, their ground forces, and their ability to continue to commincate ways of getting gathering their forces to mount attacks against our forces.


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rant about the presedency during this time of crisis.
« Reply #21 on: March 21, 2003, 12:22:13 PM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow

You still haven\'t proven you are capable of participating here.  Look at your accusations, especially that last part about "our troops".  

He didn\'t destroy those weapons - if he did why couldn\'t he have proven it?  Its not like throwing out a bag of trash.  Chemical weapons require specialized disposal which is documented.    Really its not that hard.

We did chose to go to war.  Congress authorized the bill after 9/11 - :rolleyes:

We all know you are preteen who is opposed to the war no disputing that.

As for finding chemical weapons... wait till the fighting is over and then make your claim.

The Iraqi people will control the oil.  It is their oil and the Bush administration along with the rest of the allies have REPEATEDLY said this.

As for the rest of your tirade about "our troops" et al... maybe someone besides you can translate this for me as it is incoherent rambling.

Isn\'t that the reasons the inspectors were there in the first place?
Did they find anything? Did the US even let them finish their job?

Yeah congress chose to go to war, I REMEMBER NOW!! They came by every house in the US and asked the people wether they approve or not. How could I forget that?

You\'re just saying what Bush and his unselfish, godly allies have said. The Bush administration says lots of things. Remember the fake "proof"?

We all know you\'re an old guy that is pro-war all the way. You love to call others names, and love to ramble on about how Great and Godly and Wise you are. So shut it.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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rant about the presedency during this time of crisis.
« Reply #22 on: March 21, 2003, 01:29:56 PM »
That thing about no scuds were fired was true at that point, but since then two have been found to have been fired against Kuwait.  These were done today


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rant about the presedency during this time of crisis.
« Reply #23 on: March 21, 2003, 05:33:19 PM »
Watch the insults and I dont have to edit them and waste the rest of your post.

Titan: Sorry luckee. It hasn\'t been a good day for me at all. I\'m just a bit touchy now. But did you really have to take away my whole post?
« Last Edit: March 21, 2003, 06:24:45 PM by Titan »
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rant about the presedency during this time of crisis.
« Reply #24 on: March 21, 2003, 05:55:23 PM »
Originally posted by SirMystiq

Isn\'t that the reasons the inspectors were there in the first place?
Did they find anything? Did the US even let them finish their job?

Yeah congress chose to go to war, I REMEMBER NOW!! They came by every house in the US and asked the people wether they approve or not. How could I forget that?

You\'re just saying what Bush and his unselfish, godly allies have said. The Bush administration says lots of things. Remember the fake "proof"?

We all know you\'re an old guy that is pro-war all the way. You love to call others names, and love to ramble on about how Great and Godly and Wise you are. So shut it.

Since when was it a prerequisite for the government to get approval by going door to door??  Even if they did you are a minor and don\'t have a say anyway - so STFU.  You are living a very sheltered life and unfortunately in this case your inexperience and age show right through.  Others such as Shockwaves, Titan, etc... who are around your age at least find points to debate on that are valid and get the respect they have earned by showing they have a brain.  Not some dreamed up rules and laws you think should exist.

Out of all the anti war people here I don\'t really consider any un American except for you.  You blindly hate the government and this country and that is my firm belief.  Your numerous posts badmouth this country have said it all and it hasn\'t just been limited to Bush and the Iraq situation.  As I said before stick to your fake girlfriends and the bling bling, because that is all you have...  

Some people such as you refuse to believe the government period, not matter how much proof is presented.  You shall be the first member I put on ignore.  Not because we disagree, but because you don\'t have an intelligent point to make - regardless of your opinions.
\"The inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.\"  - Churchill
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rant about the presedency during this time of crisis.
« Reply #25 on: March 21, 2003, 05:57:52 PM »

Giga 1- Mystiq- 0
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rant about the presedency during this time of crisis.
« Reply #26 on: March 21, 2003, 06:21:16 PM »
Originally posted by GigaShadow

Since when was it a prerequisite for the government to get approval by going door to door??  Even if they did you are a minor and don\'t have a say anyway - so STFU.  You are living a very sheltered life and unfortunately in this case your inexperience and age show right through.  Others such as Shockwaves, Titan, etc... who are around your age at least find points to debate on that are valid and get the respect they have earned by showing they have a brain.  Not some dreamed up rules and laws you think should exist.

Out of all the anti war people here I don\'t really consider any un American except for you.  You blindly hate the government and this country and that is my firm belief.  Your numerous posts badmouth this country have said it all and it hasn\'t just been limited to Bush and the Iraq situation.  As I said before stick to your fake girlfriends and the bling bling, because that is all you have...  

Some people such as you refuse to believe the government period, not matter how much proof is presented.  You shall be the first member I put on ignore.  Not because we disagree, but because you don\'t have an intelligent point to make - regardless of your opinions.

Got me. I wouln\'t say hate, but I greatly dislike the Bush administration. Before all this happend, I was Pro-Bush before he got elected. He promised lots of things. He promised jobs, he promised a better way of life for the Mexican immigrants, it was going all good until 9/11 struck. I understand how that halted any kind of amnesty plan for the illegal Immigrants. Four weeks after 9/11 my two uncles were deported. Both of them had applied for citizenship, that didn\'t matter though. Both of my parents are illegal.  This war stopped the whole legalization process all together. The Bush administration went as far as to threaten Fox about the situation. Some of his people said that if Mexico doesn\'t cooperate then they might face something like France is facing now.

Im not living in a dream world. I know what I say. If you take it as stupid shit. Fine by me. I never saw you try to argue the point about the inspectors not being left to do their job. How some of the "proof" the US presented was fake. I just try to make things as literal as I can.

Living in a dream world is believing everything somebody has to say just because of your pride. I don\'t believe Bush because to me he is a liar. He is willing to do whatever it takes to make things go his way. This whole war wouln\'t have happened if the US hadn\'t given them the weapons to begin with.

Hating the government and hating this country are two completely different things. I hate the government, I love this country. I love this country for what it has given me. I love this country for the things I have that I wouln\'t have never dreamed of having when I lived in Mexico. I never badmouthed this beautiful country, I badmouthed the people running it.
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.

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rant about the presedency during this time of crisis.
« Reply #27 on: March 21, 2003, 06:23:36 PM »
Sirmystiq, things change after we are attacked. You need to understand that. Do you think Bush expected 9/11 (actually, he probably did but that\'s not the point) to happen? Do you think he wanted it? Stuff happens and things change. You ever get promised something but stuff came up? Same thing.
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rant about the presedency during this time of crisis.
« Reply #28 on: March 21, 2003, 06:27:40 PM »
I really wish people would quit bringing up that old argument of the US giving Iraq weapons...

Going by your logic, France is at fault for helping the US beat the British and becoming the great country it is today...
July 2002: If you had bought $1000.00 worth of Nortel stock one year ago, it would now be worth $49.00. Enron, $16.50 left. Worldcom, $5.00 left. If you had bought $1,000.00 worth of Budweiser beer one year ago, drank it all and turned in the cans for the 10 cent deposit, you would have $214.00. Based on the above, my current investment advice is to drink heavily and recycle.

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rant about the presedency during this time of crisis.
« Reply #29 on: March 21, 2003, 06:29:29 PM »
I understand that. I understand why this war is going on. I already told my parents that im joining the Navy as soon as im out of high school. My mom wasn\'t very happy.

I just don\'t agree with what is going on. At first it didn\'t seem so bad, I was with Bush about going after Osama. But what he did with the UN, he didn\'t care about what the inspectors said. He didn\'t trust the inspectors. He wanted a war all along. Im glad that they\'re doing this to free the Iraqi people. It\'s just the fact that they keep saying things about WOMD and how Iraq is a threat with no back up. Until now, those scud missiles would of probably been found if the inspectors were given time. But none of that happened. If Bush is so inclined to free the whole world, he better go after Cuba next.

Ashford, the government gave all the weapons to Iraq. Even though Hussain had used chemical weapons during the Iran-Iraq war. Until then they didn\'t care. The other Bush administration back in the days, ignored the fact that Hussain had used some of his weapons of mass destruction and continued giving him loans and support. Until Iraq invaded Kuwait, the US and Iraq were buddy buddy. They didn\'t care about the freedom of the Iraqi people. Now they do. Are we in more of a threat now than we were back then?
« Last Edit: March 21, 2003, 06:36:29 PM by SirMystiq »
Don\'t try to confuse me with what you call  facts, my mind is already made up.


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