Originally posted by videoholic
Luckee, your point about bad mouthing the president is what makes america great. No one is saying people shouldn\'t voice their opinions about the war.
Now that we have chosen to go to war, to not stand up for the people fighting for your country is horrible. What\'s going on in San Fransisco is emberassing and I\'m glad they are giving it light coverage on the news. Screw those tree huggers. Support our friggen troops.
I\'m fairly middle of the road when it comes to war, I don\'t support this one the way things stand at the moment but that\'s not to say I wouldn\'t have supported it in the future, I feel not every avenue was explored before doing the simplest thing, drop bombs. What you lot that are blind supporters of the US fail to understand is that they feel just as strongly as you BUT IN THE OPPOSITE DIRECTION, they can\'t support the troops because it\'s not how they feel.
You won\'t be persuaded, neither will they, so you may as well accept it.
I don\'t support the war, I just wish them safety as to die for this would be the ultimate insult. My condolences, go out to the wives and families of the four US and eight UK soldiers killed in the helicopter crash and I hope this is the worst incident involving allied forces that we see.