The bombing and fighting would stop as soon as all the threats are gone. The bombing would more than likely stop. The troops would continue their march towards the center of Baghdad and any bombing from that point would be towards resistence to that March. Once Baghdad and the threats of any attack are stopped, the building would begin. Simple as that. If the Iraqi President (using the term Pres loosly) is gone and his sons are gone, then that would be a step. The other and final step would be the surrender of the rest of the army, or the resistence. Then we would go in and finish with the rebuilding phase. That will be the longest phase.
You both were right in a sense. Once the Iraqi leaders are gone, then there is nothing left to fight for. Although partially true, half of Giga\'s statement is true as well.this is set in motion and even without leadership, some may stay and fight. The troops will not blindly go into the battlefield unarmed or not ready to fight any of the armies left just because the Leaders are gone.
This strike has been done in a way no other war has. The Pentagon has detailed every single target from how the bombs will hit it, where they will hit it, with what force they will hit it, what time of day they will hit it, etc. These are much different missles and bombs than have ever been used. The ones in 91 are archiac to the ones now. That doesn\'t mean that a slip up could still happen, but it does mean that we are making every effort we can to not kill unarmed and innocent Iraqi citizens. This was tried to an extent in 91, but not to this extent. They are trying to keep casualties on all areas down as low as they possibly can. There have been a few of our guys taken out whter it be from Iraqi fighters or our own mechanicl failure of equipment. There have been (to what we know right now) even fewer innocent Iraqi citizens than our own men struck down. People who have surrendered have been either taken and put into good housed areas, or have been fed and given water their weapons taken, then sent on their way told to get out and find shelter.
We are not in this to kill mass amounts of people. Just to get the objectives done. Many are surrendering or defecting, but few are fighting and dying.
So I am suprised that this is happening as it is. I have yet to see a single war where this much precaution has been taken for the survival of citizens of a country in a war. Most times, jitters and just the face of war allows for mass killings and this does not seem to be the case
Thats all I have to say, but I believe strongly that the US and it allies are taking precautions and will complete the objective without bombing any more than they feel they have to to keep their safety intact.