ok- weed:
sorta feel a slight pressure on your forehead, like someone is pushing on it. Accompanied by a drunk-like feeling of disorientation. Shit is really, really funny for no reason. You come up with the most retarded ideas you swear will change the world, then you forget them. Very mellow feeling and a sense of general comfort ensues. Slight feelings of paranoia may occur, sometimes you think your friends are making fun of you, or laughing at you. Possible creative sessions, times of enlightenment, memory lapses, and the feeling that you have to get the f*ck out of wherever you are, for no reason.
Grade: A+
wow, where do I begin? Everything you see is made of swirling, animated patterns. Very light-headedness, feelings of intense emotions and confusion. Reactions to tactile surfaces enhanced. You see trails off of anything that moves. Paranoia can be intense, and you should only do it if you have your head screwed on right. \'Cos it will unscrew it for you. You never ever see the color black again. Even 10 years later, if I am in a dark room, the patterns are still there. Rub your eyes real hard for a while, that\'s what it looks like.
Grade: C+ (this is not for everyone.)
See above, though less anxiety and it gives you the shits.
Grade: B+
Bad shit. Feels real good for about 15 minutes, then you want more. Repeat until you are broke. Feel like a rockstar. A little bit on a joint can be fun.
Grade: D-
Fun, expensive and not good for you at all. Mix coke+acid- you get the picture.
Grade: C not impressed.
Fun, can be like weed+acid..
Grade: B+
Never tried it, had 2 friends die from it, and about 5 others turn into blithering junkies.
Grade: F------
THat\'s all I can think of right now, will post more later, Like special K, PCP, DMT,
BTW- I am not in any way encouraging any of you to do ANYTHING! Use your heads, kids....