Originally posted by Tyrant
the iraqi\'s have claimed that they captured the pilots which they say have ejected over baghdad (but info about this is a bit sketchy, so i really dont think its true).
also i heard something pretty interesting on abu dhabi\'s news channel, they said that saddam has offered 50million dinars to anyone who captures a coalition pilot and 25 million dinars to anyone who captures a soldier. (i\'m sorry i don\'t know the exact exchange rate but i think that it comes out to 20k$ and 10k$ but again i\'m not really sure)
Yes, one reporter said he could hear a massive fire fight in the city (along the river I think he said). Right after that he said they announced that they had captured one pílot, he did not know in what state the pilot was (dead or alive).
This can be a propaganda thing as well though, that they arranged a fire fiight.
Are those in Iraqi Dinars? I get these figures via XE.com
50 000 000 IQD = 160 823 416
25 000 000 IQD = 80 411 708 USD
Somehow I doubt those figures