Why doesn\'t anyone boycott Russia? RUSSIA? People seem to be forgetting about them. They also said they\'d veto that resolution. Are all of you just picking on a weaker opponent?
Originally posted by Titan
But now they are aiding in destroying us.
How are they destroying you?
Has Canada even been in a war?!
We helped in WW1(I think) and were a big ****ing help in WW2. Not to mention our support for the war on terrorism in Afghanastan with troops there(infact we still have atleast 3000 troops there).
Anyways, let\'s leave Canada out of this. We are not America junior and don\'t autimatically do whatever the US does. Canada has stated that they would not go into war without UN support but would help rebuild Iraq. Personally, I think that\'s ****ing ingenius. Canada and multi-culturism are pratically one. To turn our backs on the international community would be mad. We get a vast amount of contributing immagrants every year. Also, to completely turn our backs to the US wouldn\'t be a wise choice either but we have not done that yet.
In conclusion, don\'t blame Canada for not being involved with the war, blame the US for miserably failing at displomacy.