Nevermind. very good game, almost impossible though... I can get about 5% through.
You can still die with the cheats on... that final boss is something else!
Small bug - you can regain health while jumping... so you can regain full health and move really, really slowly, jumping over rocks, once you\'ve killed the greenies. I can\'t kill the first grey skull (or any, for that matter), but I can get to the second level up now.
It would be nice if you didn\'t have to click on that box every time you restarted though.
EDIT: I just figured it out. To get the bosses... they\'re still really hard.. but now I know how to finish the game (legit).
First off, you clear the first area. Then for the grey skulls, they throw rocks... use your sword to hit them back at them. It takes a LOT of hits (avataar, your nuts!), but you can kill them. They slowly get little bits of red on them to show they\'re getting damaged. It\'s easiest to hit the rocks back with 8. Now, move very slowly, the greenies are easy to kill, but you have to kill each grey guy slowly. Whenever your hurt, just crouch and jump over rocks to regain life to full. When you reach the other skulls, that spawn, I assume you have to hit the other bosses rocks into him, because they\'re deadly to try 1v1.... Does it take many more rocks than a grey guy, cause if so... I\'m not gonna try.

I died about 1/3rd of the way there. I figure that was at least 20 min of playing, and I got too ambitious. Oh well, I\'m not going through all that again