Originally posted by Green Meanie
Me calm down, I\'m not the stupid bastards craving war and destruction and enjoying it. I\'ve bitten my lip many times since the war started but no more.
Yeah I find military technology interesting but the level of "God Bless America" in these forums makes me want to shit bile and puke my own intestines.
[size=10]God bless America.[/size]
I honestly don\'t understand what you\'re so angry about. It\'s so simple, I could slap you in the face with it and you still would be left with those question marks lingering over your head.
- President Bush is responsible for the safety and well-being of the American people.
- Saddam Hussein is a threat to the American people.
- Eliminate Saddam Hussein.
And to even say that Hussein isn\'t a proven threat is being both blind and naive. Civilian casualties are without question the worst products of war, however they are just some of the many sacrifices that must be made for freedom.
This conflict could not be resolved peacefully, and we couldn\'t wait another twelve years of twiddling our thumbs. Yes, no one wants war, but it is a last resort, and it is Hussein\'s own fault that we had to reach this extremity.